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Well as the title suggest I am indeed considering selling Products here, but I'm still trying to figure out how it works making it a reward tier...

As well I wanted to know if that is even something you guys would be interested in! I mean I could make shirt designs and then nobody gets them and then I've just wasted my time 'XD (nervous laughter) 

So I want to hear from you guys, what do you think of getting a shirt with one of my OC's on it? Are my character's cool enough for that? I honestly don't know, but I made 4 designs I thought I'd share with you guys as an Idea of what would be on the shirts and possibly stickers if you'd like.


I will also add on, I have no idea how to determine what is or isn't allowed to be on a shirt lol

I may find out that Middle Fingers are  too obscene or rude to put on a shirt, but I'll figure that out if it comes to that XD

Just let me know if this idea excites you or not ;)


Now the 1st Design is Alex the Duck, casually flipping the bird like he does, and showing that ducky cleavage X3

And he's got a crown because he's a cuck King/Queen ;)


The 2nd idea I did of KING, one of my Dobie bois, because they have been well received here on Patreon and I thought the design looked pretty badass X3


The 3rd idea is MY OC Alien, Sniper-00,

Sniper is by far one of my fav characters of mine despite not drawing him enough, I thought adding more bone features to his armor would give him a grim reapery vibe since he's an assassin, so he's a bringer of death. AND I couldn't help making him lick up to the tip of this large weapon ;)


The 4th and Final design I made is of course, 

The DuckRaptor, Alex! 

I honestly couldn't not do one of him, He will have blood on his claws to give him a dangerous predator vibe, but it will probably be bright red to not make it too serious XD


Anyways, please share your thoughts, I will be reading all of your comments, so if you have any questions or suggestions, OR just want to share your excitement let me know X3




Aero Osprey

The designs are pretty nice, though at least for me, I wouldn't wear t-shirts with them out and about since I generally wanna keep the weird kink stuff behind closed doors. You should consider things that can be used/kept at home, like stickers and mugs just to throw a few random ideas off the top of my head


I totally understand your point here. I certainly think stickers would work nicely. I'll probably end up doing that if anything at all :)

Aero Osprey

Definitely not telling you what you can and can't do, but the amount of people who would be willing to wear clothing like that out in public are free and far between. Hell, you could make one of those mouse pads with the squishy bits for you to rest your wrist on that are either a fat pair of cheeks or tits


Lol I know, I can do what I want XD (IT's just me deciding if the effort is worth it) But I am certainly taking your words into consideration. I grew up in las vegas...so I wore shirts with big booty art on it all the time, completely in public lol; So my gauge on normalcy is a little busted. I guess if I did do shirts it would certainly be a reward for just those who wanted to go for it. As for doing one of those mouse pads, I have no idea how to do those lol XD But I'll look into it ;)


I always love your style of Alexes tone and the rest of your bois, I think putting them on shirts wouldn’t be worn but hanged on their wall or something small like the one above suggested stickers and mugs would do, I’d be interested in stickers


Thanks Heesh, Hmmm I see, If I do decide to continue forward with this idea, then I'll probably go the sticker route. I'll probably still get them as shirts for myself tho lol I have no shame XD Thank you for the Feedback Heesh ;)


i definitely think you're on to something with merch, but I'd have to agree that shirts would be mostly hung or collected instead of worn. but mugs, stickers, and pins would definitely be sought out. i think to start off with, maybe posters would be a good starting point. shouldn't be as costly as mugs and shirts, and people would pay biiiiig money to have your art on their wall


Anytime I’m not telling ya what to do who knows maybe others are willing to show that ducky pride out there, it be hella good or wear them at cons I think k be fitting too! ^^ gosh I’d probably get it if I wasn’t so scared to express myself out there, I think your characters be hella sweet out there, especially Alex~


Stickers would be 100% an awesome bit of merch to have, and for all your ideas to boot! But if i had to pick for a shirt, i think Sniper-00 would be best!


I'm certainly thinking I'm gonna do stickers. I'm glad you like the Sniper-00 Design X3 Thank you for your feedback :)


I'd like to suggest acrylic stands, cause then you could sell full-body character designs, without having to bother with 3d/3d-printing figurine type stuff. I have no idea how much they cost to produce, though...