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Hello my dear Patrons!

Today I was drawing & painting a new character for my sexy Youkai comic "Anime-Tamae!"(http://animetamae.com/en/)

As you see above, she is first Christian character in the comic!

Oh, and she is not an ordinary Nun... I imagine there are many pure nun characters in the Anime-Tamae world... but she is not.

Like Tensei Maidens, she uses power of otherworldly beings... but it is not divine energy. She uses demonic ones. To fight against evil Youkai and protect innocent people, she opens her body for demonic possession...!

Well, then, would you give a name for her?

I can think some names (inspired from books or Warhammer40k like games), but I hope a name sounds cool for oversea people. Probably it should based on Chiristian culture, Italian ( Vatican?) or has taste of vice, sin. (But not too demonic...?)
And perhaps her final name will have a title "Sister" (so she will be called "Sister [name]" in the comic)

I made many design sketches for her, like this!

I'm still thinking about her final design.

A Pink skimpy dress is not bad... (but too much "Bimbo" tasted?)

I love darker skin... but for this character, tanned skin is better...?

Hair style is also hard to decide...

Though it is not a "vote", I'm glad if you give me comments about her design! (Numbers may be useful when you mention those candidates above)

Thank you for your support! :D




You could always go for something classic like Mary or Elizabeth. I personally like number 7 and 5 as her design. 8 is great too and I had a thought that maybe she has changed her God to cock.

Smyling Beast

You could give her a name deriving from Latin/Italian such as: Sister Maledicta (meaning 'curse'), Sister Malvolia (meaning 'ill will'), Sister Desdemona (meaning 'born under a wicked star'), Sister Nerezza/Narissa (meaning 'darkness')

Wil G

Cecilia, something about her speaks that name to me.


I'm pretty bad at coming up with names, but Smyling Beast has some great suggestions. As for her design, I would go with 1, though that's just my personal preference.

The Overlord of Ice

I LOVE the name Tatiana for her, and clothes 8 and 9

Erik Miller

I dont know why but she looks like a Franchesca to me


Sister Laura would be my name choice. Also, I like the #1 design; simple but bold.


was thinking something like Magdalena, (since that's a name derived from the bibical character Mary Magdalene who was said to be possessed by demons and some stories say she was a slut or a prostitute), as for the outfit something simple like 1 or 7 seems nice


i think Maria would be a good name , and i love the 6th design i feel like that one fits her best

Solleta Duro

Real nice character Rebis! Love the combo incredible abs and glasses. Can't decide 1 or 4, both are gorgeous! I think pink color doesn't work, specially since I don't like the "bimbo " stuff.


Sister Silvia, awesome sketches rebis the dark tan one is always better :)