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I am building up to drawing scenes featuring Chisuzu on a daily basis!

I am also making some progress on the translation work for Harem Academy.

Although there were not many results I could show you this September, each of my projects is progressing steadily.

Thanks to your support, I am able to focus on my work. Thank you so much!

I look forward to seeing what I can show you next!




she is so gorgeous


It is looking beautifully gorgeous and gloriously sexy cute with this lovely bootylicious booblicious thicc goddess. Thank you so much for this lovely masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my god emperor of awesomeness friend. *yetihug*

Julian Hartmann

その観点は愛の告白を受け取りに最高です That's the perfect PoV to receive a love confession.


Glad to see you making steady progress. I'd hate for your health to suffer again like before. Thanks for your hard work!