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Hello my dear patrons!
I'm sorry for the lack of updates for a while.

I continued to work very busily throughout January for a solid updates for my main projects.
However, I wanted to keep in touch with you dear ones, so I wrote this brief journal :D

These are what my current projects look like.

Harlem Academy Japanese edition: soon to be completed up to page 34. The pic above is Neiro from some finished panel.

English version of Harlem Academy: Dialogue translation completed, finishing up the English version of the early pages.

Superheroine Novel: Second half of the novel is being translated (I'll post it on Subscribestar when it's done)

I have many more things I want to draw, but my main projects for this month are listed above.

If possible I will try to deliver some content by the end of January. If that doesn't happen in time, I will bring you a good update in early February.

Thank you so much for your support!!




Awesome. Thank you for letting us know my god emperor of awesomeness friend. *yetihug*

Julian Hartmann

このアップデートにありがとうがざます 一つ質問があります 前二つハレム学園話とこの物語は順序ですか? Thank you for the update. I got one question though: Are the previous two Harem Academy CGs in sequence with this one?


Is the new superhero story not allowed here due to patreon rules?


That is one sexy panel. We do appreciate your hard work ^^ Looking forward to these updates!


I wasn't exactly sure which CG you were referring to. Sorry. But I have just posted the latest English version, so you will be able to see it.


Thank you Kaiyeti! Just now I've posted finished pages in English! And more pages will come in the future~!


Sadly yes. I already posted my arts I drew for the story.


Thank you RensiQ! At last I could post finished update part 1! :D