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Hello my dear patrons!
Today I would like to hear your opinion about "SubscribeStar".

I've been thinking about a migration to SubscribeStar from time to time.

Patreon's regulations are often my pain in the ass.

I've had to abandon some ideas I wanted to draw because of the regulations. Or I've posted some of my contents on Japanese sites (Fantia/Fanbox).

Patreon even censors my writing in this way. I can't even write some of the words here!

I truly love this community I have built with you all, but I have often considered using SubscribeStar for more freedom.

What do you think about this?

Please let me know in the poll, or in the comments!

(I just created my account to see inside... everything is still empty on my profile page :)

[If we migrate to SubscribeStar, what will happen?]

Even if many fans are open to the idea of a migration, I'd like to have a testing/transition period of a few months.

(Don't worry, your precious November support will not be wasted!)

I will try SubscribeStar for a while and verify that there are no critical issues for me.
I'd like to make the testing period as financially easy as possible for you, my kind readers.

Of course, depending on your feedback and the outcome of the poll, I may not even test it!

-----(Added Note from comment reply)-------

[Hey Rebis, but what is your problem?]

I'll try to tell it while avoiding banned words.
For example, I could not post my Dragon Quest doujins in the past.
Also I had to cut some protagonist from my past Gyaru/Bimbo illustrations.
I want to draw some Super Hero/Heroine genre, but violence/villain elements could be a problem here..  
And maybe very importantly, some elements in Prina Saga may be problem with the Patreon regulations.

[If it happen, this Patreon will be closed?]

I'm thinking about two options. 

1) I Leave Patreon as a big archive & tip box. It does not be updated anymore, but still open To honor the community we've created. Of course it has a link to new place on the top page.
2) I Keep updating Patreon too as long as possible, However, content that conflicts with the rules will not be posted.  

Proceeding 2 from 1 may be also possible.

Whatever the case may be, I always be truly grateful for your generous support.
Thank you very much!



I don't have SubscribeStar, but I have Fanbox, so I would like to use that if possible.


Go to Subscribestar if you want to be unrestricted! I am supporting other artists whose content aren't allowed on Patreon. I know you have some you can't post here and would be happy you could post them in Subscribestar.


What stuff do you wish to do, but cannot?


I'll try to tell it while avoiding banned words. For example, my Dragon Quest doujins in the past. Also I had to cut some characters from my Gyaru/Bimbo works. I want to draw some Super Hero/Heroine genre but violence/villain elements may be problem here. And even some elements in Prina may be problem here.


Were the characters you cut from your gyaru works male, or female? Cause I will support the male characters Patreon does not allow, but not the female characters Patreon does not allow.


A lot more people are open to the idea compared to a year ago. The more and more Patreon restricts adult illustrators , the more adult illustrators open subscribestar pages. When I asked this question to my patrons I got a resounding "probably wont switch," but that was over a year ago when I asked. Goes to show how much things have changed.


Legitimate question, would all the content here on patreon be moved or would something else happen? Also if the move does happen I would assume we would get some sort of notice/link to the new site?


I use Subscribestar to support other artist and it s works great and allows them to do a lot more you aren't allowed to do here. So I say go for it if you want. I already support you on FANBOX so I'll gladly support you over there.


This is the first time I'm hearing about SubscribeStar

Lyrik Maestro

Artistic freedom is paramount, I would much rather support you somewhere you can truly express yourself


Would you be dropping patreon completely then?


I'll support you regardless of where you go. Right now I support you on patreon and fantia, but I'd be fine switching to just subscribestar so I don't have to keep track of everything separately.


I've never used SubscribeStar since the content creators I follow are all here on Patreon. However, as Patreon has slowly begun squeezing tighter and tighter on content rules and other dubious choices, more creators are migrating and I am 100% open to supporting them elsewhere, if it gives them more freedom.


I will gladly support Rebis wherever. I already use fanbox, but as I am more familiar with English, I will support on subscribestar if you feel it will make things easier for you.


Moving all posts since 2015 is almost impossible, so I should make a good Archive or something for my patrons. And of course I'll tell you every news about moving if it happen here and Twitter and so on!


I'm thinking about two options. 1) Leave Patreon as a big archive & tip box. It does not be updated but still open, with a link to new place. 2) Keep updating Patreon too as long as possible, However, content that conflicts with the rules will not be posted. Proceeding 2 from 1 may be also possible.


First off… it makes sense that they wouldn't allow that certain type of protagonist, but what exactly is their problem with “violence/villain elements”? That one genuinely puzzles me. Do you think you could elaborate? I've been hesitant to support anyone on SubscribeStar because of their (perhaps undeserved) reputation of attracting creators with some rather, er, sketchy opinions, so I don't have an account there currently. However, between the legally enforced censorship on Japanese sites and Patreon's increasingly idiosyncratic restrictions on what they allow on their platform, it may well be worth it to migrate to SubStar after all; I hate seeing the ideas of a brilliant artist such as you (or any artist, really) getting hampered by prudish puritans such as whoever's responsible for this site's regulations. I don't see Patreon's content policies getting any better from this point; it seems to be on the same path as OnlyFans (only with more steps), where a service welcomes or at least tolerates explicit adult content to fuel their user growth, then changes course and unceremoniously dumps adult creators to “clean up” their image and become “respectable” once they've grown big. Sorry, that developed into a mini-rant. In short, yes, I would definitely support you on SubscribeStar, leaving Patreon as an archive and a tip jar. Time to ditch this place.


I heard 'Subscribe Star' for the first time. I don't care about the method of cheering, including Patreon, SubscriptionStar, and Fanbox. Any cheering site just needs to work well. If possible, low fees and low censorship are sufficient. The problem I see is that SubscriptionStar is also an American company and can walk the same path as Patreon as it grows. Terms of service, credit card companies, state governments, and copyright management companies will exert influence in the future. It would be better not to close Patreon.

Julian Hartmann

I can fully see that Subsribestar as a safe haven for certain pundits who hold rather extreme opinions is unsettling, while it being one for erotic content that is a bit out there is reassuring. I feel ambiguous about that myself. But in the end you don't support all creators on the site by supporting one you like. About the violence villain elements, I can only guess but it I assume it just means rougher stuff. Like, when a character doesn't make sure to get a tripple checked written permission for any single action he takes, you know what I mean?


I have to admit that I am not familiar with SubscribeStar's reputation, so I will read your opinion carefully. I will answer about super hero genre. Patreon prohibits "non-consensual sexual activity". We should remember that they banned vore fetish because it is a non-consensual and violent act ( at least they thought that). Thus, if the villain punches, kicks and fucks the heroine, we could be in trouble...


Thank you for your kind words for support, Mecatama! Yes, it is possible that SubscribeStar goes cramped way too in the future. So as you said, I think we should not close Patreon. Also we have a option to use Japanese sites if we needed.


I think I can deliver almost same things on Japanese patron sites, though there are less support in English.


Thank you Animeplayer! I start to support some artist on SubscribeStar to study about it more :D Indeed I want to be more unrestricted about my works!


Your information is very useful, thank you LurkerGG!! I'll carefully hear voices from my fans, and do trial if it is OK~ (and currently enough number of my fans are tolerate for it!)


Ah, I suspected it might be something like that – thanks for clearing that up! I can enjoy some rough stuff myself from time to time (usually by identifying with the “victim” in that kind of scenario), and all is fair as long as it's kept within the realm of fantasy! As for vore, outsiders might assume that it's inherently non-consensual, but that's obviously not always the case.


Oh you already using SubscribeStar? You are really a generous supporter for artists! :D Your opinion encourages me. Thank you~!

Master Byleth

I think you've mentioned this before, and it seems like the best move. You need a place where you truly can make what your passionate about, and I don't care which site I have to use to support you with. :) I can't find your profile, when it's fully set up, will you post a link to it?


I support two other artists on SubscribeStar already, and one of them is another who was on Patreon. That artist had Patreon close his account, for reasons I don't understand, as I've seen other artists posting stuff that was just as erotic on Patreon with no problems. So I fully understand your problems with Patreon's weird rules. I will definitely follow you to SubscribeStar if you decide to move there, especially since it would free up the kind of content you'd like to post.


Thank you Malhavoc! Currently I'm leaning towards a more free environment and a desire to test new sites!


Thank you so much for your kind words, and your support in fanbox too! Yes, maybe SubscribeStar will be easier to use than Japanese sites.


Thank you for your opinion and kind words, Master Byleth! My profile on SubscribeStar is not finished, so maybe unpublished. Of course I'll announce about it if I start to trial use it!


I'm glad to hear you've already using & supporting some artists on SubscribeStar. You are very kind supporter for artists indeed! I knew many artists closed by Patreon. And The possibility that I might be one of them is always stressful for me. Please wait for my post about conclusion & announcement!


Just keep us informed. It would be nice to have an archive of all the Patreon content, but I don't know how laborious it would be on your end. We'll support you either way!


Do you post all your art on Pixiv Fanbox? I am trying to learn Japanese, so I might switch to Fanbox from Patreon. I want to choose the service with all the art.


I've never actually heard of the SubscribeStar service, but I had no idea you were facing such censoring and limitations. If the subscription price about the same and staying on Patreon is negatively impacting your content, then I have no problem switching over. Please try not to stress about making a decision you feel you need to in order to have creative freedom and still support yourself. I'm sure your fans would be willing to do whatever is in their means to continue supporting you for all the amazing content you've given us.


Yes, Fanbox and Fantia have less regulations, so I can post my every arts there. :D Though there are less English support as you know.


Thank you so much for your kind comment, Jamal! Now I'm thinking about to have trial time with SubscribeStar. Maybe when I finished some contents appropriate only there, I'll try it! :D