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Hello my dear patrons!

I am sorry to say that the NTR plot was very unpopular in my last post.

I've drawn light NTR from the protagonist's point of view in my previous works, so I thought I'd push it one step further and try a new challenge...

It seems that I crossed the line, and there were many people who didn't like it.

I'm sure I'll get some new readers after I draw it, but...

I think I'd like to respect the kind & royal readers who are currently supporting me first, so I'll seal that idea!

I apologize for the inconvenience I caused to those who did not even want to see NTR idea sketch.
On the contrary, I thank those readers who voted for the NTR plot. I'm sorry to conclude that this is cancelled.
I'm sure I sometimes write light cuckold stories from the protagonist's point of view (like Seina's case in "Hypnotized College Girls")

Well...So, am I going to draw the remaining "Sisters" plot?

No. I couldn't be sure of the reputation of this idea, because the comparison was so unpopular. I lost the confidence and mood to draw even remaining one.

So! I'm radically rethinking the strategy of my work projects!

For a while after this, I'll be bringing you "Twin Dungeon Princesses 8" and "Harlem Academy (tentative title)," a sequel to "Hypnotized College Girls"!

I've always wanted to draw both of these works.
I had a desire to draw a new modern setting Manga in monochrome style, but I knew I had to take on a big project!
Let's not be afraid of the size and length of the project, and let's do my best to break down the mountain!  ---I renewed my determination.

I've already started drawing both of these works, so I'll be sending you a few WIP images of them!

After all, it's fun to draw Prina and Yunia! I even feel a sense of peace in my soul from it.

Drawing the black-and-white manga in [Anime-Tamae! Tensei Maidens] recently has brought me back to my senses. I think I'll be able to draw Prina and others just fine!

"Harlem Academy (tentative)" starts right from the last scene of "Hypnotized College Girls"!

Your Hypnosis App will be powered up and a new slutty school will be born! I''ll start with the opening part of the story.
How and why does it happen? !
I draw it first in the opening.

The heroines I' ve been delivering as short CG collections and character design drawings will finally be connected to the story of "Hypnotized College Girls" and join "Your" harem one after another! :D

I'm envisioning a full-color omnibus manga style in which new characters appear one after another and immediately enter into erotic scenes.

I think I lost sight of my mission this time because I was consumed by the creative urge to draw something new.
So I'm glad I showed you the idea sketches before I started drawing!

Once again, I'd like to deliver a lot of erotic and healing harem and futanari stories, so please look forward to them!


Yuika Meika Kokomi, the three heroines I drew in thiese plot ideas.
I like all of them as characters, and I've even given them names.
I'm thinking of using them as characters in other works like Harem Academy if I get the chance.
(About Yuika and Meika, draw them in the original idea later might be also good)



Elena Abide

Yay rebis you are the best always, you do whatever makes you feel happiest


While I glad to hear that we will get to see Prina and Yunia again and having their beautiful bootylicious futalicious love making scene and it's always great to see the sexy thicc bootylicious booblicious goddesses of the academy getting fucked. I feel bad about ruining you plans from the NTR and for the sisters story. So please do the stories you want to do and try out my god emperor of awesomeness friend. We didn't mean to discourage you. We want to see all of your beautiful masterpieces of pure flawless perfection. *yetihug* Sorry about that.


Thank you for your comment, Kaiyeti! I'm not discouraged, just I could focus my inner mind and art inspiration again, thanks to you patrons! Both these two projects are my favorite ones as you know :D Please look forward for my coming works~!


Thank you Elena! It was a good chance to think again about my "happiest" projects, and I'm really excited to draw these works!


Will the Harlem Academy get a Futa variation? Just curious 😃


I miss the Prina series! Love seeing them getting corrupted!


I’m sorry to see the “Sister” story won’t be completed, but I fully understand your reasons for shifting your focus. I’m sorry you lost confidence and had your mood affected by the poll, but I’m glad you were able to re-evaluate what you want to do with your other works and have found a new direction to go in. Looking forward to seeing what new art you produce!

Mord Mort

Thank you for the update, Rebis! I hope you aren't feeling bad about the response to the NTR idea. But I'm very happy to see you resuming both Prina and also a sequel to Hypnotized College Girls. I especially loved your hypnosis story, and I would love to see some cute ebony girls in it. I know you will do a great job.


The respect you have for your followers remains admirable, so don't feel discouraged. Very exalted for your new projects.


Can we make suggestions for babes for the Harem academy, or scenes for the protagonist to find himself in?


It is possible to make some variations from main arts of the comic, but I think full-story variation is difficult, at least now.


There will be new hot actions of Prina and others! I can't wait to draw more~


Thank you Nomad48! In this time that poll was a good event for me, for I can re-evaluate my motivations :D As I said in "PS", sisters should be return in the original plot, or as new characters in the Harem Academy and so on!


Thank you Mord Mort! I was not feeling bad, of course! Just I was surprised to find that my perceptions were way off from 94% of my readers! I should have noticed the gap, and I did. And that event was a good thing :D Ebony girls must enter the sequel, indeed! I definitely enjoy draw them~!


Thank you Raiden89! I noticed "lost the confidence and mood" might be strong words in English... I really appreciate kind words from you and other patrons. Now I'm really happy to draw my new focused projects!


Well, Harem Academy setting can have many new characters, so it is possible that i make suggestion events or polls for it. But just now I'll focus on drawing the opening scene. After it, we can proceed to make the new Harem universe together!

Master Byleth

Rebis personally I’ll enjoy anything you make, I love your work and I always will, but personally ntr just isn’t my thing, but it doesn’t mean you can’t make whatever you want frankly, and I just gave it because I wanted to give honest feedback in the poll. Just do what you want to do is what I think personally. A artist has to enjoy what they are making right? Glad to see Prina coming back tho, my hype is through the roof for that :)


Thank you Master Byleth! Indeed, I always have 10 more ideas which want to draw in my brain! So discarding one of it... which my 94% patrons dislike... is not so big problem for me. I never draw projects I don't want to draw. And I believe you don't think I don't want to draw Prina or Harem Academy! :D By the way, I really appreciate your kind words and respect for souls of artists. You and my patrons are really awesome!

Stephen Smith

Always happy to see pregnant sexy times, hopefully there's more than just the 1 panel with the college girl group.


It's weird. I love mind control, corruption, transformation, etc . . but when it comes to losing a loved one from the protagonist's point of view, it really fucks with me., Only time I've ever been ok with NTR is if the protagonist wins in the end, which rarely happens in any NTR story. I also find a cheating story fine so long as the protagonist is the one causing the cheating and the partner of the NTR is an asshole. I think the sister's story could have worked out. The younger sister would have cucked the protagonist, and the girlfriend could come into the picture, "fuck, not again. Stop fucking my boyfriends." Ultimately agreeing, "fine, fuck her as much as you want, but remember, you love me, ok?" Also, gyaru/tanned beauties for the win!


Those four heroines will probably have big bellies for a while until they're done giving birth :D


I can understand you said, KatoBen! It was because I wrote "If you don't like masochistic NTR, please treat this guy as a protagonist" But that note didn't seem to change the impression the plot gave! About Sisters, they should have happy threesome ending of course in Rebis's world :D Anyway those plots are discarded or pending. Please enjoy coming Harem with many control and alternation!


Wow, is that picture of Amanda (right side of the middle row) new?

Julian Hartmann

将来で何でもを描きます、Rebis様が幸福に希望します もっと大切ものがいないです でも寝取られは日本人のほうが欧米人より人気ですかなぁぁ ともかく、未来の作品に楽しみです Whatever you will draw in the future, I hope you will be happy. There is nothing more important. Though I wonder if NTR is more popular with Japanese audiences than it is with western ones. In any case, I'm looking forward to your future works.

Stephen Smith

Indeed, and I hope we get to see them have sex with those bellies a fair bit, perhaps whilst having their milk gulped down. I'd also like to see them give birth, but I'm aware that's a bit too hardcore for you.


Thank you for your generous words, Julian! Of course I'm happy to draw along with my new tactics. I have so many ideas, and indeed I'm having a hard time choosing which ones to draw!


I do feel bad. I voted against the NTR story, because it's not really my thing... but at the same time, if you were feeling creatively stifled doing the same sorts of things and really wanted to spread your wings and try something very different, I don't want to have been a part of stopping that.


Have you ever thought of doing futanari NTR instead? I think the idea of a woman with a bigger dick then you stealing your girl friend or in a haram of stolen women is pretty hot. It's also rare to see people do. The problem with regular NTR is you've seen it to death.


Personally, I want to draw lovely Futa/Futa actions rather than Futa NTR, if I draw Futa :D (As second option, recently I like Male/Futa relatively, in harem mood like my Male/Female works)


Thank you for your words, SpectralTime! As I'm telling to other patrons, this decision is totally no problem for me... :D I'm perhaps creative person but also have the disadvantage of being as fickle as a butterfly. I always pursue new ideas, leaving most important things in my art career. This event noticed me it. Now I can focus on my most wanted works with full power!


I am also one of 94%, but personally I do not hate NTR. Light NTR is quite tasty. Personally, I think it's because most of the NTR's stories end in despair. In my opinion, at the end of the finale, revenge is successful, or at that decisive moment, 'Your cock doesn't reach the reach of my boyfriend.' You can even make a reversal with dialogue. However, I think he avoids it because the bitter taste of reality is reminiscent of the protagonist, who has lost even the will to revenge in that despair. This bad political and economic reality, the experience of unfair efforts and failure, doesn't seem to want to feel that way even in cartoons. Anyway, sweet taste of Prina, Harlem Academy, and Hypnosis College are welcome. XD Futanari is good. It's very good. I hope to see 'Pi' from the Prina series soon. I am quite drawn to her uniqueness. There is a thrill in the unstable connection of the shaking ball in this picture. It creates a sadistic desire.


Thank you for your comment, Mecatama! NTR is relatively popular in Japan (but also many people hate it too) , regardless of this cruel era & society. Honestly I don't know why... it is like many people like survival comic with many man-eating monsters/giants ,to get some stimulus? By the way, I remembered many of my fans will like Prina and Harem Academy, rather than starting a new project. I wish you enjoy them~!


Sorry to hear that the result of the poll was such a blow to you that you decided to drop both options. I voted for the NTR scenario knowing that it probably wouldn't win, but I couldn't predict how one-sided it actually ended up. I didn't like NTR at first either, but it's fine as long as it's done well and isn't too brutal to the character getting cucked, if you ask me. (Stories where a dickgirl steals someone's partner – could be either a boy or a girl – are superb, but far too rare, sadly.) When you take input from your audience, it sometimes happens that one of your proposals turns out to be deeply unpopular. I suppose that's the downside of it, that fans mostly want more of what made them fans in the first place. However, it's the way you interact with and listen to your supporters that makes you stand out as an artist and has kept me supporting you loyally all these years, so please never stop doing that, even if it can occasionally lead to disappointments like this. In any case, I'm always looking forward to what you'll draw next, the resumption of the Prina series especially!


Here is my take on it: it was always going to be an uphill battle since the NTR option offered nothing of what has won over your patrons so far. Put another way: the choice was between a project with 2 of Rebis' girls, (1 of which a gyaru with great muscle tone) vs a project with 1 of Rebis' girls and an NTR plot. I guarantee you the vote would have been much different if the NTR option included things like muscle girls, futa, gyaru, etc. Your NTR option offered nothing to win over the people who neither love nor hate NTR, but do love your artwork. 詰まり、選択は私たちが好きなもののNTRとより多くの間でした。 私の不器用な言葉を許してください。


Thank you for your kind word, ekwood! And please don't apologize! As you said, not only about the results of polls, options of polls were not so good in this time. They did not have a good symmetry. That's why I withdrew the other ""Sisters option as well. Anyway, now I'm really happy to draw both Prina and Harem Academy! I'll show you some new WIPs and arts from them in coming September~!


Oh thank you, 3d0xp0xy ! I noticed some of my fans might like Futa NTR, but as you said, it is relatively rare fetish. There may be a lot of readers who don't want that either... By the way, this event was really good study for me, and I could focus on more important & awaited projects now! I want to keep hearing voices of my fans, while be royal to my Artist Soul! I really appreciate your continuous support!


I'm really glad to hear that Twin Dungeon Princesses 8 is coming~ The Dungeon Princess series is what really made me a fan of your work and become a patreon supporter. I'm eagerly awaiting to see what happens next in the series! I love your art work and will read through anything that you release, but quite frankly as other have posted the options don't really work for me.. I think like many others I think we are here for the futa and the gyaru lol. Any chance of reviving Rukina and Inumimi Princesses series as well? :D Keep up the hard work we are all here to support what you do best~ <3