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Hello my Patrons, and my readers (who is not my patron yet)!

Today I've changed my Patreon to "Charge Upfront".

(A new setting finally Patreon implemented)

It means, new Patrons pay their support when they join.

(If you are already my Patron, there are no changes. Patreon bills you at 1st day of each months usually)

There are many reasons and benefits for us. For example...

a) I already have enough posts and contents, and have confidence  in new patrons get something worth for their support.

b) I can deliver full rewards, including the key to my comic archive ASAP.

c) Our Patreon community become more fair... because the new system can shut out bots and bad manner readers.

(Honestly, seeing many accounts never give me real support, or people "join and leave" without any support, is really discourages me every month. It is not only a problem  about money... feeling I'm fooled and deceived  is worse than it)

Anyway, I believe this change activates my Patreon better!

Please enjoy!




Well this is pretty amazing, many thanks :D


Sounds good.

Danny P

This is great for patreon users


were you getting a lot of fake accounts?


Sadly, Yes. For example, there were roughly 30 declined accounts in the last month. But situation has changed, so I'll focus better on kind & honest Patrons like you! :D


Well that good. Still 30 declined accounts that just rude and stupid.


I always thought that they way that Patreon works was strange by charging at the beginning of the month regardles of when they joined the previous month. Getting charged and full rewards asap makes much more sense.


Yes, sometimes I became a Patron of some artist... and waiting one month (to get rewards) was boring. It is a nice change!

Bo Taffy

That sucks. I am glad you have fans you still support you. Lots of these people are probably just kids who don't know any better or people who act like kids.


Haha i love this