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A Happy New Year, my dear patrons!

I'll show you more sexy and cute arts in 2016!

2016 is a year of the monkey in the Asian Zodiac.

So I should drawing something related to a monkey...

The answer is , a new character design for my Youkai comic "Anime-Tamae",

Gorilla Nyo-bo!! (Nyo-bo means wife!)


"Gorilla" as Japanese Youkai!?

Yes, it is really rare and odd legend. It was gathered in Okinawa, relatively modern age. (An old man told the Folklore knew about Gorilla)

Like many other legends, a human married a supernatural animal... this time a Gorilla in tropical island in south Japan, and had a child.

I'm drawing that Child as a Youkai Girl for Anime-Tamae!

She wants a human to marry, like her mother... but too innocent to understand what is marrying. There will be troubles... help us, Shinka and Sagiri!

I'll ink and paint her for my new year greeting pic.

Please wait a while to the result!




Happy new years to you too! And I'll be looking forward to that WIP!

Sousuke Drake

Happy New Years Rebis! She is looking great, can't wait to see what kind of trouble she gets into, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work in 2016 and beyond


Happy new year Rebis, awesome character to start of the New Year


What a cute character, and I just noticed she is thumping her chest!. Since I'm a hair maniac, I must ask: any idea what color her hair will be?


Year of the Monkey coming up! Happy New Year, Rebis-san.

Smyling Beast

Happy new year to you, Rebis. She's a really cute character. I'm sure she'll be a lot of fun to read about. I can imagine a sexy "King Kong" type of situation where she uses her amazing gorilla strength to kidnap a prospective wife :)


LOL! And I just got done reading Shinka no Mi!


I just realized, would Gorilla-san become furious when faced with her own reflection? <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz0avWZoqjg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz0avWZoqjg</a>


I posted finished work, and telling her setting. Please check it! XD


Thank you for your comment, and... what is "Mi"? (I guess Shinka is Shinka from Anime-Tamae... but maybe it is not? Does it mean "evolution"?)