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Hello my dear patrons!

This is a journal telling my thoughts about  [Your Post Apocalyptic Bimbo Waifu -The Last Dick on The Earth-], also I hope to hear your opinions as comments too!

Recently I'm thinking about how should I implement "Bimbofication" fetish into P.A.B.W.

When I look back at myself, I'm a big fan of Gyaru/Bimbo type girls, but not so much for Bimbofication/Gyaru-transformation fetishes.
(For example Aletta is your perfect Bimbo waifu from the start, not changes to it)

But it is hard to discard Bimbofication element in the project, for it themed on your Bimbo Waifus in the post apocalyptic world.

For example, how should I draw Raider girls and Wastlanders?

In my early idea, I drew these arts...

In it, a Raider girl has ordinary body-shape, then Aletta's "Bimbofication Gun" make her into the hentai level body.
(I remember some fan said [instant transformation] is not enough for Bimbofication fetish... and I agree it. So I may invent more variation of transformation process if I go this way)

But my later idea sketches, Raider girls have voluptuous & muscular body (Rebis' standard!) from the start.

Currently there is not so much "Bimbofication" element in this version... though it is possible that I can add it later.
(Maybe changing their body more extreme, or their fashion into more slutty & glitter ones)

Well, how do you think about these ideas?
Which is your favorite? Or do you have better ideas to add them? :D
This is a Brainstorming, so any ideas, voice, opinions are welcome!

(Even simply telling your passion about Bimbo/Bimbofication for my works is welcome)

As a possible idea, I can combine them all...

  • Some Girls in the world has average bodyshape, and You & Aletta can transform their body and mind.
  • Some Girls in the world has unearthly bodyshape, then You & Aletta can transform their mind, or even make them bigger & extreme body...

It sounds good, but also...
That diversity may instead make the theme of the project difficult to grasp.

Anyway, in the end I'll create the work from my own soul... but your voices help me to shape & recognize my soul!

Thank you~!




Voluptuous bodies becoming more extreme! Also, you can add hypnotism to make them act like gyaru bimbos.


Well, "more extreme body" is fascinate option, for it is uncommon chance to draw it with wicked post-apocalyptic technologies :) Also I should not forget about mesmerizing! For my beloved Fallout series has it. (PABW is not Fallout fanart, but heavily influenced by it of course)




I personally think having them start average works better since it makes the difference between them at the start and them at the end stand out more. That said, it's your art, so draw whatever you think feels best. I love your images either way, so whichever format you pick, I'll enjoy the final product.

Luis A Jimenez

I see... They are already kinda like mad max style. How about having them start off normal and then they get transformed into the more extreme variant. Maybe like a prequel or flashback.


As Nomad48 said, it would probably be best if you have them start out as average and end as bimbos. Also, personally speaking, I'm just as much into bimbofication as I am into bimbos themselves, so it makes no difference to me. One thing I suggest if you go into bimbofication is to show the sequence of them changing mentally and physically. Like this: https://www.deviantart.com/fanterfane/art/Hacking-A2-836964934


To me, bimbofication is about the difference between a "normal woman" and a "bimbo woman"; if every girl has a super hentai body, then they aren't REALLY bimbos (to me)! A bimbo or gyaru is like a superhero, she's beyond what a "normal woman" can be: her body is more sexy and her mind is more horny. So, whether they transform or not, a bimbo is a bimbo because of how different she is from normal. So, even without transformation, a bimbo can still "stand out" from other women by how sexy/eroi she is!


And, with what Piltheser said, hypnotism is a great way to accomplish that! A "normal woman" has her way of thinking changed to be a "bimbo woman". Bimbos think about bimbo things, which makes them bimbos.


I would say variety is best option! Have a couple of normal women get transformed both body and mind. While others can already be bimbo body shape and could become even more extreme in appearance. Or even combine things like muscle women become muscular bimbos!

Stephen Smith

Seems like most people want a variety option, even if that might be the most difficult option for you. At any rate, I myself don't mind so long as the end result is girls with voluptuous bodies (whether they start with them or are given them) getting knocked up and pregnant. I'm kinda obsessed like that.


Bimbofication requires the following, a hyper increase in sexdrive and libido. Their body must be turned from average to beyond what a normal woman would want to become or can ever achieve. Regarding intelligence drop is optional even if it's a normal trope about Bimbos. Hypnosis is the most common method known with Bimbos but it's not the only way. I have seen cursed or magical items, some sort of concoction, or some mysterious force. I have been following one artist who is taking Bimbo to another level in body, they basically evolve into a goddess of fertility that bassically defy the physically impossible.


Thank you, I believe you like my conclusion & finished arts in the future~! :D


Yes, I frequently see "Bimboficaiton sequence in one picture" style, as you showed me. It is possible that I implement that style into the comic panels and so on. Hmm...


Thank you Randolph! I hoped to hear detailed thoughts about this fetish like you told me! :) I think I can understand this genre deeper by absorbing such opinions.


Thank you Kenneth! For I love to draw sexy/curvy/muscular female bodies, starting from them to go extreme is very fascinating for me :)


Though I don't know how much I implement it as drawn arts into this project, but baby making is very important for this world setting indeed!


Thank you for your kind words, Nomad48! While communicating with my fans like this, I can see what truly I want to draw and what not... so I believe I can show you best things from me in the future!


Yes, starting from "off normal" might be good for my taste, for I love to draw sexy girls always!


Thank you Animeplayer! Your thought helps my understanding. For P.A.B.W. is post apocalypse sci-fi setting, maybe Hypnosis or super technology are good to use. I'm not planning to make every girls into "Goddess" level, but Aletta and important Waifus can be reach such level.


If you like, consider the stages you want them to go through. Here is a example of what I mean: https://e-hentai.org/s/a5c7eb643f/1654750-987 As you can see what I mean by defying the physically impossible. =P Since P.A.B.W is set to a Fallout universe, you could also use Alien tech since the Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta DLC exist.


I prefer both. For some plot ideas you could have the girl's body transformation due to Protagonist's Semen and Radiation. Than have the girl's body transform base on their own lust Girls who like anal=Bigger Butts Girls who like their boobs being played with=Bigger Breast Girls who like to suck dick=Bigger Lips


Thank you for your comment :D Changing depends on their own lust is another interesting idea! While hearing voices from my fans, my image is manifesting... so I hope to show something in the near future~


Ooof this is hard since so many people have already given good ideas. I'm with the people that enjoy seeing normal girls become bimbos. The method that this could go will depend on how much time and work you want to put into it. Aletta is already a bimbo because she was working on some technology while you were sleeping and can probably only turn others into bimbos a number of times until it needs refilling with sex energy. You could also have the bimbo beam affect the same person and that person become more and more voluptuous and/or muscular with each beam.Maybe with this way of doing things you can have a small to medium cast of girls with various degrees of Bimbofication done to them. That's all I can think of for now hope it helps.


Thank you for your comment, portrait11! It is hard to decide how much and where I should work on... gadget and bimbofication things are nice, but I should draw raw sex with my chars definitely :) Also I'm thinking about Aletta's tools itself. High-Tech beam weapon is nice, but also more big facility is fascinating...


Regis, I love the little blonde girl in the plaid just the way she is. Please I draw some more of her whenever you get the chance. She needs to be broken