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Just now, I have sent you all translated pages from Takuro Umanori's guest comic, from "Maya and Ogres are your Waifus:POV", via a message! (For $10+ patrons, excluding declined people)

If you don't receive it (even if you are $10 pledger and your card information has no problem) please contact me!

If you missed it (because joined here after this update), please don't panic!

If you join within November , you'll receive a ZIP file as a monthly reward (at early Dec).

If you join after it, you can reach it through doujin archive. (You need $10+ pledge to access the archive)

Thank you for waiting my slow progression. But it was finished!

I'll show you other pages from "Maya and Ogres are your Waifus:POV" soon!



Richard Reynolds

I absolutely love Takuro's style! I'll have to look for more of his arts. I hope he does more guest works for you in the future!


Thank you! Though his next guest is not scheduled, but I remember your voice and will tell him it!