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Hello my dear fans and patrons! (This is a public post)

Recently I got many asking about my activities on Futa art, by messages or comments.
(And I can totally understand it...)

Rather than answering each message/comment, today I try to write a journal about it, to tell for all my dear readers.

I'm not drawing arts and comics with only cold calculation and business mind... it is works of passion. So I feel I can't explain it exactly and logically. But anyway I'll try it :D


I have to admit I don't have searing passion to draw Futa-Only works like in my younger career now.

I still like to draw/see/buy Futa arts and comics. But currently do same things to other genres. In my early career, my interest was limited to only Futa. It had changed.

Things are changing, person is changing , no thing is eternal... ah, it is basic mind of Buddhism, but saying only it is not enough. So I hope to think about it deeply.

[Wider Interests]

I felt my interests about hentai genres became wider and wider... probably around my 30s age.
You might notice my works became also wider... starting from Dragon Quest POV doujin.

It has many good effects (mainly I could meet more new fans!), but also negative effects (my royal futa-genre fans don't like it)
If I try to draw many genres, I can invest less time to each genres...
But it is not a only reason.

[Two BIG ongoing projects]

This is a hard to explain topic, but I'll try.

As an artist, I had some big changes and challenges... around 5~6 years ago.
One of it was starting my non X-rated comic "Anime-Tamae! Tensei no Miko".
Another is starting straight hentai CG&Story works, mainly [Hypnotized College Girls].

There are many reasons... but if saying very simply, to survive in Japanese shifting market as an artist. Japan is in long recession indeed, I had to do anything new to survive.
(Ah, and I must to say "Thank you" again and again, for this Patreon and you kind patrons are really helping my artist career!!)

My challenge was so hard, especially working with a Japanese Publisher for "Anime-Tamae!" was a horrible experience... but I did my best.
At last, things went well, and I could achieve many things with these new projects. And they are ongoing now. 

I don't regret it... I burnt my life force for these years indeed. But I noticed I could draw very small pages of Prina...

[Yuri / Hentai Energy?]

While I draw Anime-Tamae! and straight hentai works, I feel I'm losing energy to draw Futa/Futa works oddly.

I can't tell it well, and it is a very clueless inference, but...
Futa/Futa arts is amalgam of [Yuri] and [Hentai].

When I put out my Yuri energy to Anime-Tamae!, it is possible that Yuri energy to draw Futa/Futa is not enough when I draw hentai works...

This does not mean Anime-Tamae! offends Prina (anyway  it is an inference).
But it may help my understanding my situation and its solution.

[Long Live Comic Syndrome]

You might remember some Japanese comics, very long lived but be suspended for a while.
I can understand how it happens... artists feel their responsibility, but they also exhausted, can't overcome their pressure to start drawing again.

Indeed Prina Saga is similar state. I can't re-start it easily, I'm feeling pressure that I have to draw even better panels than past episodes. It is so hard, honestly drawing new arts is far easier.

Also this syndrome hinders doing other futa projects...
Everytime I think about new futa ideas, I feel "Rather than it, I should resume to draw Prina..."

But I feel my responsibility of course. And most importantly, I love Prina, Yunia and all characters.
So I'll overcome this syndrome!


There is no instant cure potion for this situation, but I feel I could organized my thoughts.
And I wish you can see something from my long journal...
My English is crude, so it may have misleading sentences. I hope to cover them as reply comments if possible.

Now, I feel I should do something, or stop something, not only thinking.

Probably I should resume to draw Prina in even very slow speed?
I'm afraid to show it slowly, but it may be far better than nothing anyway...

I welcome your advice, suggestion and opinion. It may give me a good hint!

And thank you for your supports and readings for my works!!



Angelo B.

Do what you can. I love futa works but since your art style is so gorgeous I'll take what I can get.


Its okay Rebis my god emperor of awesomeness friend. Your amazing beautiful sexy artwork is still amazing and the best and greatest. If you feel your Futa works should end with Prina then so be it. It will be missed but we will still support and cheer your on. *yetihug* Your life health and happiness always comes first.


I do sincerely appreciate you bringing your thoughts on this to light. I will be honest. I am very sad to hear that you have largely lost your passion for futanari works. You are truly one of my favorite futanari creators. And I felt that your funtanari themed stories like the Prina Saga had an energy about them that was unique. While you are a very talented artist and I have enjoyed many of your newer stories I have felt they have lacked the energy that your older stories did. I hope you find your passion for futanari again someday. Because you were really good at it.


I have nothing against those who love futa, I'm personally indifferent about. However overtime and I may get some hate for this, to me Rebis, it got to a point that adding futa into your works is just pure fan service now. Doing multiple variations of a singular piece or panel seem to hinder your overall progress. I also notice you have many projects that never seem to reach their conclusion. That's how I see anyways Rebis....whatever is trending in Japan, I do know for sure they're a little more open to people of color and your work defintley shows that. I wish you luck Rebis.


Thank you your honest reply, Kenneth! Honestly too, saying "You were good but now less good" is really discourages artists (including me). But probably almost every artists (and other professionals) meet it in their life. I can't reverse time itself, but maybe try to sublime many aspects inside me for better future! :D


Thank you Kaiyeti! I did not dare to talk about futa ideas after Prina saga, for telling about the future too much makes new pressure for me... Rather than making more plans, I'll draw something now!


Thank you Angelo! Anyway I can only do what I want to do... I hope it is wonderful things for you and all others! :D


Thank you Vector! I know I have too many project is another big (if not biggest) problem for me. Also, I feel drawing some people of color in Manga style is another new mission for me. I really love to draw it. I keep trying it of course!!

Wil G

When it comes to Futanari as a whole, I honestly can say your works are what pulled me in. The moment I learned you opened a patreon I knew I had to pledge to thank you for giving me something new to enjoy. I was thrilled to be able to support one of my favorite artists. And I still am. Time changes a lot of things and opens new things. I've grown to love Anime-Tamae and want to see it to wherever it ends. And I think a lot of fans share the same sentiment. Perhaps a small ending for Prina though, as a torch passing to fresh, new ideas and characters.


I’ll be honest, I got into futanari as much as I did in part because of your prina series, so to hear that you’re losing the spark for your futanari works is a bit disappointing. HOWEVER, I will also say that I believe your work has only gotten better as time has gone on, and that your newer works are just as enjoyable for me, futanari or no. I’d of course love another chapter of prina’s story, but I’d rather that you do things at your own pace, it’s as you said, long running story’s risk burnout in the extreme. To make a long ramble short, I shall support you still no matter what path you choose Rebis, you are a fantastic artist with an instantly recognizable style who never disappoints, so keep up the good work and don’t let the tough times keep you down.


I very much appreciate that you've taken the time to write a thorough answer to something quite a few people have been wondering about, including me. I can relate to losing passion for certain things over time, but for me, dickgirls have always been a cornerstone of my taste in hentai; although my interests have broadened and branched out considerably over the years, my love for futa is one of the things that stay constant. I'm sorry to hear about the trouble with your publishers and with staying afloat in general. When it comes to your two big projects, Anime-Tamae! is one I hope will continue for a long time, which I didn't expect when I first started supporting you. However, I have a small confession to make: Hypnotized College Girls, while being very well made, really isn't all that interesting to me personally, sorry. I can also relate to being reluctant to get back into a big personal project after a hiatus. I don't want to put any pressure on you, but honestly, your futa works are the reason I became a fan and then a supporter in the first place, so, while I will keep contributing to your Patreon and appreciate whatever great new art you create, I sincerely hope you can get back on track with doing more futa stuff again someday. If you just do a little here and there, I think you can slowly and steadily reignite your passion for it. This is my longest Patreon comment ever, but I think that sums up my thoughts as succinctly as I can. Cheers.


Hmm... after reading your journal entry again I have a second idea and possible solution. You say you spent so much time drawing Anime-Tamae! that it kind of killed your spark. Well would you consider making this 2B doujin a futanari focused story? No variants. No alternate characters. Just pure futa/futa and futa/female yuri. Perhaps this is the doujin that could help rejuvenate your passion for the subject while still keeping your overall workload down?


Well as long as there’s chance you’ll draw futa in the future I’m good


Please don't say Anime-Tamae! is killing my spark (though if my text can read as it, it is my bad. I did not intend to say it) Currently I'm thinking about resume Prina, rather than avoiding it and start new futa works...


Thank you Wil G, I'm really glad to hear you love Anime-Tamae! :D As I write above, I hope to draw more Prina. Now I'm reading my plot again, to think where should I restart it from...


Thank you so much for your kindest words, Esper094! Indeed, sometimes I can enjoy to imagine "Now, I can draw Prina and other heroines better than past..." especially when I'm in a positive mood :D There must be kindle in my heart, so I should inflame it while avoiding burnout...


Thank you for your kind and honest comment, 3d0xp0xy! Everyone has each taste for arts and hentais, so you like some works and don't like some... it is totally no problem! :) Passion and motivation are shifting, so it is possible that my situation changes again. But I don't leave it for total randomness... I hope to deliver well balanced portfolio of my works for all my fans, including Futa works of course. Anyway, your words really encourage me. Thank you!

Just Me

Thanks for sharing your thought on this issue! Well, I’m a fan of your work for… way too long thinking about it XD So your futa works and the Prina series drew me in (I actually think your works made me like futa content). However, that was during a time where you only produced futa content, so that doesn’t really say all that much actually. I do like your art style, the worlds and characters you create and your more “Vanilla” approach to things… so I’m most probably not going anywhere. Tbh I think you bit off a bit more than you could chew with the Hypnotized College Girls series… it ended up being a really big and long-running project. Once you finally complete this, you will probably feel more relieved than you think^^ I think clearing out your project queue a bit is fairly important at the moment (by completing and in some cases simply abandoning). Once the bigger roadblocks are out of the way you can look at your current projects/ideas and decide what you want to pursue next/restart and how… maybe you feel less pressure if Prina is your only bigger project, maybe you want to simply do smaller scale projects for a bit etc. I do hope you can find the time and passion to wrap up the Prina main story in a satisfying fashion and I really wouldn’t mind other futa focused smaller projects in the future, but I’m looking forward to your next projects regardless!


Thank you for your tolerant comment, dusty-jester! I hope to reward it indeed. :)


Thank you for your kind words and advice, Just Me! From your comment, I noticed my life cycle as an artist was also changed in recent years. In old time, I think about only comiket and doujin event, and I focused only the project I published on next event. But things have changed. I can show you something everyday. It is really wonderful, but I lost some focus from my life... It is possible that the only problem is my working system. I'll think about it too, slowly...


Hey, people's passions change over time. I love your art style, so I want to support you. But, I was also holding out for years in hopes you might do a new futanari doujin. It's disappointing, but at least you still produce Anime-Tamae, which I love for it's yuri style. I love yuri, and yuri with your art is very satisfying.


Art isn't easy. Being a commercial artist is about skill and draftsmanship; it's about doing what the client requires, applying your creativity to solving the problem of creating something within a set of parameters outside your control. Creating art PERSONALLY though...that can be a daunting task regardless of technical skill. Starring at a blank page is staring at infinity possibility...and narrowing down, "I can do ANYTHING" to just, "I want to do THIS" can be daunting...and as tastes change, continuing previous works becomes obligation, and obligation can feel like a chore, as passion fades. Now, personally...I LOVE DUNGEONEERING PRINCESS PRINA. It's one of the first doujin I ever saw, and it remains my FAVORITE. : | I'm not just blowing smoke...PRINA is my favorite doujinshi. I joined this Patreon in part because I think you're a great technical artist and because your art hold great appeal to me...but also because; at the time; you were working on the next PRINA book (which featured Adult Prelude, who is my favorite character). As much as it might disappoint me, I can understand that your interests have evolved and your tastes have changed, and your passions lie elsewhere. I can only hope that you find new passion for PRINA. My suggestions would be...to think of how PRINA can change to fit your new interests. Be it bimbos, gyarus, POV, or different cultures, how can you apply this to the world you've created in the dungeon? Because that's what you have to remember; it's YOUR world. You dictate what the Dungeon is...it does not dictate to YOU. It can be whatever you'd like it to be.


I always did love your futanari work especially muscular futanari characters. If you are in a bit of a slump that is okay. There still may be a fix if only temporary, would you consider having your older "The Great Works of Alchemy" stories translated and posted? This way fans of the futanari works will get to enjoy what they love from you while also letting you focus on your newer passions? It's just a thought, also that is secretly one of the reasons I am a patron of you, in the hopes to get the older works translated.


I get what your saying friend but I’m going to have to disagree with you. Completely. Yeah times change and so do people’s tastes and interest. All the more true for artists and their creations. But Prina and her dungeon world means a hell of a lot to me as well as to many others. For what I can speculate might be surprisingly similar reasons as to you. And if the series coming back entails a quantum shift in what it’s core elements are about then it would be better both artistically and thematically for the series to be gone and done for good. And instead simply be remembered for the good times it did bring and the good story it did tell THEN, rather then it to be forced back in some rebooted new-flavored format just so it can be said that “hey look! See! See! It came back.”. If Rebis’ interests have truly shifted that much for good then he has already made the very wise choice by putting the Prina Saga away like he has and remaining focused on new projects. Rather then pull a George Lucas and derail his own creation just because “it’s technically his”. While yeah it’s just porn at the end of the day Prina is truly a landmark series that has been in the public sphere for longer then most and it would be a shame for its legacy be tarnished just so a few harping fan voices can be momentarily quelled.


Mmmmn so long as Alexis gets into some yuri/futa fun I'd be happy. I just want you to make what you like though x3


I don't think you should feel pressured to finish Prina if you aren't feeling the vibe. Your creativity with hentai action and characters is your greatest strength. It always feels like someone drew, what they thought would be fun (or erotic >_o) to see in hentai. Not even something as simple, as Nico Robin using her Devil fruit for sex, has anyone other than you, even tried to make great use of. Whatever you've wanted to do, has been what I have wanted to see from you. I'll always support you, because I have complete faith in you.


I have been a fan for your stories for a very very longtime and truly you are the big reason that I enjoy futanari as much as I do. And if I am being completely honest it is your futanari works and the prospect of you doing a new futanari focused doujin that keeps me coming back. Also nothing says that the only way you would do a futa comic is if it:s Prina. Why not do a futa driven story about something else? I do hope you find passion for futa again.

Mord Mort

Thank you for your openness, Rebis. I initially got into your works through your futa doujins, and your Maya series is what solidified me into a long-time fan. My tastes are broad, so I love both your futa and non-futa content, and the way you draw ultra-voluptuous women with huge butts is the absolute best. My main hope is that you have enough time and passion to draw both futa and non-futa, but I can understand why your passion might be waning. I've been writing myself, and I know the stress of feeling the responsibility of wanting to continue something that you aren't super-passionate about anymore, but you still feel obligated to continue it because you know that fans are waiting for it, and you don't want to disappoint them. I suppose my only bit of advice is to try to lessen the amount of projects you're juggling, because it might be causing you a lot of stress. Try to wrap up what you've got now, and perhaps that might reawaken your desire to draw more futa.


Thank you for your comment and voice, DinsFire03! I'm glad so much to hear you love Anime-Tamae! Yuri, yes. As I said above, Yuri energy inside me may be one of keys to this topic...


I love your art style so I'll support you no matter what you end up doing. Prina is probably my favorite series of yours, but I like pretty much everything you've done.


Thank you for your comment and suggestion, Fonkirby! Indeed I almost forget about translations of my classic works. Sometimes it is very confusing, for there are many pirated translation already... and it is hard to know what you dear long-time fans need. But it may be good service if I can do it well!


Thank you Reiko! Sometimes, drawing heroines beyond genres is difficult... but I know there are some fans who want to see [Hypnotized College Girls] heroines in Futa action. I can't make a new promise easily, but I remember it!


I am grateful for your honesty. I honestly wondered if something was up as of late or did I need to switch to one of those other sides to fund you (I have yet to figure those out). So to be blunt I enjoy very much your futanari works. I guess you're one of those I would consider first if I think about futanari. And like all things, there's a desire or a greed to want more of it. But I understand that passions can change. And through this patreon, I realized that your futa works were not the only works I liked, there was more. You do such lovely ladies. From Prina to Anime-Tamei! and for the various things I see, there's some like no other. My favorite random work was probably the Elf Spider girl you did. That art trade between Carmessi's Gala was probably the most fun I've seen. There's always One Piece, lots of new characters in the New World. Even more so, you do Dragon Quest works like no other. Some I cannot see from Patreon, but... I have to figure how to use those funding sites first. Well end of the day, I deeply believe variety is most important. I enjoy a mixed approach from you. And difficult decisions have to be made in life. So long as we don't forget what brought up to the current point. That said, you should do what's good for you. As long as you create with passion, I'll be alright. I only ask you don't stop.


Thank you for your kind comments, JusTaBaKa! I feel my pressure from not only my fans, but always, from inside me. From my soul and heart. I know, if I can't manifest my passion well, I'll explode my inner pressure. It is a reason why I wrote long journal and share it with you :D But I really glad to hear your tolerate words. I feel now I can focus my imagination better ... thanks!


Thank you for your comment, Hana Chan! As I wrote above, I feel I should draw Prina first, so much... But maybe drawing some one-shot futa art (not a new big project) may help my inner balance. If good idea hits me, I'll try it!


Really appreciate you being open about this Rebis. That said, I have been a fan because of your futanari content. So this is very unfortunate news to hear that you are burned out of making new futa stories. If I am being completely honest I feel like part of the problem might be that you have been working on the same two projects for what feels like years now. Anime Tamae! and the College Girls series are nice. But I feel like those are the only two things that we ever really see from you anymore. I have seen a few other people mention it. But what are your thoughts of doing an original short futa comic that is not related to Prina Saga? Perhaps even make the 2B story you have been talking about futanari themed. It might help you pull out of your current slump.


Thank you for your good comment and advice, Mord Mort! Yes, if I can do both genre very well and fast, it is a best solution!! So this may be a simply problem of my working and task controlling... not my passion. "Doing too much things" is my deep flaw. It is not only my art... I do the same in hobby and so on. (Also you might know I love harem situations...) But I'll try to do better with my such personality. Thanks!


I'm really glad to hear your word, Demonpanda! Such kind words energize me, and I feel I should do my best for you kind fans, not be spoiled by it.


may you continue to do your best


I'm really happy to read and know, how you remember characters I drew widely... You are wonderful. Thank you so much, Roizenacht! Reviewing my thoughts, and talking with fans like you, cause me very good effect like some meditations. Now I can know many fans love my futa works again... and can think how I can do better with balance and variety!


Thank you for comment, CorsairCavalier! After this journal and talking, I feel some new energy... feeling passions from my fans. Probably I should start from new sketch, pinup, or even doodle... once wheels are moving, it is easier to mover faster! :D


I have loved everything that you have made. Keep up the amazing work.


In my opinion, while you finish your main projects, you could make do with waiting for prina stories with very short comics, like the 3 milf ones, while you think of a way to end the main story. P.S. I haven't finished coloring the projects, I'll show them to you soon, so you can publish them in the meantime.

Rose Lalonde

Your one piece stuff was better then Prina anyway.

Richard Reynolds

I don't know how much I can add that hasn't already been said, but regardless... I think artistic inspiration and motivation is very important. Your best work comes from the things you feel passionate about, and passions and interests change with time. As a long-time fan of your works, I want you to pursue your passions so you can keep making great art for us to enjoy, but also art that will satisfy you! It's true it was your futanari works that made me a fan in the first place, but since you started your Patreon I've really enjoyed seeing you experiment and explore new fetishes. So, no matter what, I hope you're able to draw whatever inspires you the most, and whatever it is, I'll be looking forward to it!


I understand that you draw what you want at the time, artists have blocks and passions I get that. If Futa isn't the main focus I'm okay with that, that's only one of my top fetishes. Currently you're drawing Hypnosis/Mind Control works and those are also in my top fetishes so as long as either of those are made I'll be supporting you! Love them both, and love your style.


Thank you for your kind comment, Richard! I can promise I don't draw my arts and comics with only obligation, without my passion. My passion is not in only my inner space... it connects with fans like you. So this journal and talking are really helped me, renewing something inside me!


Thank you for your generous comment, RanmaChaos! Yes, anyway I'll create more arts and works, wishing it can entertain you! :D


Thank you Raiden89! Yes, finishing projects one by one is also important. I'm thinking about my schedule carefully... And thank you again for your coloring project! I'm very happy to see it :D


Heh heh, I feel both happiness and sadness from it. Anyway I love my all works, so I'm glad to know you love my ONE PIECE doujin!


Thank you FearTheDee, I'm happy to hear you love also hypnosis fetish! I feel I could get some new energy for drawing futa from these discussions, so I hope to show you it in the near future!

Sousuke Drake

Passions change, art styles evolve I Love your works from Prina to Anime-Tamae! and I'm always looking forward to what you have next 💖


Thank you so much for your kind words, Sousuke, indeed as always I thank you! Now I feel I could find many sparks inside me. I hope to show you more arts in variety in the near future! :D


It's always nice seeing people think critically about their interests and kinks. Thank you for being so mindful about yourself rather than forcing yourself to do things you don't feel one hundred percent about.


I love your works from Prina to Anime-Tamae! as well. I look forward to more of your works.


I wish that I could give you helpful advice but I can't. I live in Canada and you in Japan. The gap in our culture is as large as the ocean that separates it and I can't just simply say "relax or take a break". The best I can do is support you in your decision. I have always followed you for your art not for what kind of fetish you make and can accept when someone has a change in what they prefer. Would be nice to have at least a conclusion to the dungeon princess series but that can wait when you are prepared to finish it. I wish you good luck, good fortune and good health

Solleta Duro

Hi Rebis, as a long western fan of your works since very first (even before those TGWOA series!) i appreciate all of your hard-work and sincerity.

Solleta Duro

Just my thoughts on the subject:

Solleta Duro

You should create whatever you want to draw, no matter others may think, as long it fullfils your desire to become a professional artist or whatever reason...for sure it must be harsh time to live as a manga creator. Said that, i was worried about the fact you seemed to leave behind the "fantasy themed " stuff for this "gyaru stuff", which i don't like at all (just my humble opinion). Now i see the reasons... Maybe i'm wrong, but i think that most of your western fans would choose fantasy theme (hentai or non-hentai) stuff over the gyaru world (or maybe i'm just forcing the reasons!). Being said that, i just LOVE all of your fantasy works: Prina, Anime-Tamae, RPG&video-games, Bin Crossroad...I think you're one of the most talented (if not THE BEST) dojin artists ever! Of course, i don't want to force you to continue on developing projects you don't want right now (Pleeease: publish that Melzel spinoff dojin as soon as possible :))!!!), but i think you should focus on creating and expanding fantasy worlds (better full of yuri, asses and muscles, of course!). Anyway, thanks for all and keep the wonderful art. I'll be there!


Thank you Tazrael! Sometimes I think too much, so probably it is a time to draw again... (and indeed I'm drawing happily!)


Thank you SuperFan! I feel I can show you both in the future too. A only problem is my speed though... :D


Thank you for your comment, portrait11! We are separated by geometry, but your words encourages me indeed! I'm reworking on Prina again, though it may be slower than my early age (due to my multiple ongoing quests, as I said above) anyway I keep drawing!


I figured this was the case with your futanari work. I hope you find that passion again!