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Hello my dear patrons!

Oh, I'm sorry for my lack of updates for a while.

About these two weeks, I was so busy for many projects and tasks... for example projects with companies in Japan, or even mundane tasks about tax (those mundane things are not fun!)

At last I could finishe some of them (roughly 2/3...) and could return to my art activities slowly.

Thank you so much for your support and your waiting!
I'll show you some new works and translated works in coming weeks.

A simple journal may be boring, so I posted a preview of [Hypnotized College Girls -REALITY PORN APP-] above... I hope you love it! :D




It's understandable. Don't worry about it.


You could be silent for a whole year and I would still be happily supporting you and wait patiently for a simple art post


No worries! Everyone has their things in life that they have to get to.


It's cool my God emperor of awesomeness friend! You dont have to worry about it. We understand and will always wait to you because you are always worth it. You are the best of the greatest of the best and greatest! *yetihug* we will always be cheering you on and support you!


Thanks for keeping us updated!


No worries. Life can take up a lot of our time sometimes.

Stephen Smith

Sometimes life just gets in the way, I won't hold it against you. Will say I hope these girls get knocked up! (even if it's only in the finale, which is yet to come)


Oh, it is too kind saying for me, thank you! Of course I won't be silence for such long time, because showing arts and communication with you kind patrons are my happiness :D


Thank you so much Justin! I'll finish such things as possible as faster, to create more arts!


You are welcome, and thank you so much for your support!


Thank you Kaiyeti! I'm thinking my patrons and this Patreon even during busy days... and hope to show more arts and comics!


Thank you~! I could finish some of them, so can have more time to draw now!


Thank you Stephen! Yes, we are going forward to the ending with knocked up heroines, one by one steps!


do your best


I'm getting so hype for the English release!