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Hello my patrons!

Recently I got a new magazine about Youkai in Japan, and found a new unknown Youkai girl. So I hope to introduce it as a character for my comic "Anime-Tamae!" world!

Teibou(テイ坊) is a Youkai Fox, slightly related to Yakumo Koizumi (小泉八雲) (or Lafcadio Hearn, well known by his books about Youkai)

Chie Koizumi was a mother of Setsu Koizumi (She was a wife of Yakumo).

Someday  Chie helped a wild fox attacked by dog.
After that event, a Buddhist Nun in dark blue clothes visited Chie.
The Nun says she is "Teibou" (I feel it was an odd name for Nun, but anyway the story tells it)

Teibou gave a Koban (old gold coin in Japan) to Chie, in return for Chie saved Teibou's life... yes, Teibou was the fox Chie saved.

The legend is relatively straight one, but I feel a Fox Girl Buddhist Nun who related famous Youkai literary writer is really interesting. So I've drawn her!

Basically Buddhist Nuns have shaved head, but I feel Teibou should have long hair to represent her "fox" characteristic. But I drew also some variations!

I don't decide whether she will appear in the comic itself...
But anyway more Buddhism related Youkai Girls are great! :D

Thank you for your support!




I think this is a very interesting and cute design, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of her, and maybe even in Anime-tamae?

Stephen Smith

Are buddhist nuns (and monks I guess) meant to be celibate? Because I sure would like to mate with that fox woman!


Well ain't she cute.


Nun girls are great! Hope to see them more!


Foxy priestess! Sexy thicc fox priestess! Brilliant my God number of awesomeness friend! Simply brilliant S mesh one I love all the versions of this new Fox goddess and i can't wait to see more of her and the priestess! Thank you so much for all of your hard work and for continue creating such wonderful amazing kick ass thick ass goddesses! You are truly the best of the best at the grace that the greatest. *yetihug*


A slutty fox-girl nun, fawk yes!!! Lol


Basically they are celibate, but in modern Japan, there are many married Buddhist monks. Also, Youkai Nuns might have loose codes than orthodox Buddhism... :)


She is Tora Nya-Nya, will be appeared in the main story in the future!