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Hiya! I've finished to arrange first seven pages from "Maya is your Waifu POV"! Here are first two pages of it. http://rebisdungeon.com/Patreon/comic/maya03.jpg http://rebisdungeon.com/Patreon/comic/maya04.jpg I'll also send you a link to other pages via Message soon. And... I hope to tell you a system of comic sharing in this Patreon. I show you some pages directly here, if it is mild erotic scenes. Links to other pages are sent by messages. After payment of each month, I'll send you ZIP of finished comics via message, as monthly rewards. (So you don't need to save each sample pages) If you join this Patreon later, and hope to get past comics, please pledge $10 or higher to access my archive. I feel, it is not needed that I send you Hi-Rez pages each update like this... Rather than it, I send you full set of pages of Hi-Rez comics for monthly rewards. This may be changed in the future... but at least now I try it!




I love how those tits just sink in when they are grabbed.


Rebis is king. Would pledge more if my budget wasn't so tight.


I'm glad you're such a huge DQ fan, especially of Maya! The Dragon Quest girls are all so great!