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To answer comments from some early patrons (thanks!), I made more bigger "Hi-Rez" pic. How about this? It is 3000*4172 Pixel. OK or Too big?




That's a better high res. I don't think many people could complain about it being too small. A smaller version (if just so it is easier to download) like the 2000 pixel high one would be a great alternative. ...'plump plump' is a sound effect...?


Perfect!! I love it.


Rebis! Take my money! personally I think this is WAY huge, but its an amazing working size file for those that want to see them and look at them. Perfect to study. Would give me a reason to invest in a Horizontal monitor setup o 3 o!


This seems great for a "high resolution" option.


I'd say the standard people want these days is around x1700 to x2300 in height and then maybe offer x3000 for the rare enthusiast. I'd say that 3000x4172 is just way overkill. But I do love that you're offering larger sizes since for some reason most of Japan seems to be stuck at really pathetic sizes for their digital releases. Comic ANGEL Club's official digital releases come at a pathetic x1200 for example so at least you're doing it right, I'll take slightly 'too big' pages any day over pages I can barely read!