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The Upcoming Next Two Releases

Sup futafans (and also you, FutaFanDIM)

Here's the quick n' dirty version of what is up this month: 

1. Demetria is 75% done and we will most likely release her route much faster than usual. 

2. Claudia is 30% done and we are ambitiously hoping to release her on our normal schedule with no delay. 

3. v0.3.1b "Rye Part Two" is gonna go public in the middle of this month, just as soon as our animator finished up all the butt-stuffing creampie goodness. 

We are intending to entwine Demetria's and Claudia's paths in some complicated ways, which will we interesting, given that they are very different characters whose paths are...very distinct. 

Gameplay Changes and Difficulty Levels

As you may have inferred from the teaser image, we are currently test-implementing new gameplay modes for FDW. 

By which I mean: you can select your difficulty setting now. 

Story Mode: The current game, except you also have infinite money and stats. (The cheat build that people kept asking for) 

Normal Mode: Your intelligence now starts at 100 and is lowered by unprotected sex. You can raise it as normal. The game no longer necessarily ends when you have unprotected sex.

Very Hard Mode: The INT mechanic as Normal mode, with the addition of an Addiction Counter. This Addiction Counter increments with any exposure to futanari semen, protected or not, and it directly depletes your energy. That said, futanari semen is now very energizing...This is obnoxiously hard and we have no idea if it'll be fun. 

(Also, if you think this whole difficulty settings thing is a fucking terrible idea, let us know and give us your suggestions, and we can do something different.)

See all of you soon, and see y'all WIP $20 backers in a second. 

Yours in experimentation, 

Sacha Witt

and everyone else on the FDW team




First again


actually, im sure you werent, the others, myself included are just to lazy to post a comment cause we have nothing to say

John Hancock

I cant wait, so excited for Demetria lol


Why you making ending one route ending the game, besides why we have to go after one choice at least give us space so we keep playing continuously, we keep saying we have ideas and we willing to share it because we love the game, in your way with all my respect it will die soon. I wanna play this game as long as I can


This is my first message on patreon. Thank you so much for everything that futatdoms team has produced thus far. You have created a world that has both filled me with longing and sorrow. Longing for the simplicity of making futas happy and sorrow for the impossibility of such an endeavor due to both physiological complications and the corruption of human control. Thank you for all the fantasies ^-^