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Tristan Viel Lamare

It was really fun seeing your reactions to this classic movie. I'd love it you reacted to at least Temple of Doom and The Last Crusade. One interesting fact about the production of the movie is that while filming the Egypt scenes in Tunisia, everyone in the cast and crew had food poisoning except for Steven Spielberg whose diet the whole shoot was canned ravioli. In fact, the was supposed to be a big fight scene with the sword fighter, but on the day of shooting Harrison Ford had food poisoning and asked "can't I just shoot him instead?" and the rest is movie history


A couple more fun facts: the desert canyon at the end, is the same place they used in the original Star Wars, in Tatooine where Obi Wan first meets Luke; and not sure if you recognized him - perhaps his voice sounded familiar - but the actor that plays Sallah, John Rhys-Davies, also plays Gimly in the Lord of the Rings movies. Also, #3 "The Last Crusade" is most everyone's favorite. I thought the newest one from last year, #5 "The Dial of Destiny" was a pretty decent film, perhaps because of the nostalgia of growing up with these movies, but in any case, worth the watch.

Michael Hill

There are 5 films but the first three are the best ones to react to

Michael Hill

The one who played Sallah also played gimli on Lord of the Rings