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Good night all! I hope everyone is ok. I inform you that I just sent the first teaser of the Fallout comic for this month!

  • Today I resumed my activities and was working on the comic. I apologize for the inactivity today.

  • The inks for pages 1 to 6 are finished and the painting process for pages 1 to 4 is almost done.

  • As with all monthly comics, this comic will be ready on June 30.

  • I'll start working on the Bernard miniset!




I think super mutant is the most successful creature in Fallout. It's such a shame that they don't have fertility.

Robert silva

Although I don't know much about Fallout lore, I understand that mutants are not used very much in the franchise. The references I found about them are from very old installments of the games. Don't they appear more in recent games?


Hello, are you still updating knight's road? Looking forward to that one lately.

Robert silva

Hi bro! The comic is on hiatus this month since I took a break for my birthday. but I will resume development in July. You don’t have the latest page? I will send you 🤙