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Hello everyone! I hope you are well! I bring you news of the rewards that are in development.

MAX TENNYSON IMAGESET(ALL TIERS): The set painting process is almost finished! It will be sent tomorrow night to all tiers.

KNIGHT'S ROAD COMIC (temporarily for all tiers): This Saturday's page is almost ready, I just have to enter the texts and it will be published this Saturday at the same time that I always upload the previous pages.

Stay tuned to your inbox!



Definitely looking foward to Knights Road comic! The orcs really going at that broken king is hooottt

Dennison Edwards

Love you see the Imageset of Max Tennyson tonight when you have a chance soon that'll be cool.

Robert silva

thank you bro! In a few hours I will send it to everyone including you. I am reviewing the final texts.📝