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Literacy. Scrolls. Printing Press. The Computer. The Internet and the Smartphone.

We are all diving head first into the information age.

At first humanity developed tools to tend to their crops and built buildings for shelter. But moving forward, we are tending to information itself, shaping ideas and reality as we know it

But one slight problem - the tools we use to do that, the computer and its siblings - are a big mess right now.

I'm quite sure you're familiar with trying to get your head around your calendar, task list, email, direct chats, video meetings, contacts, your browser tabs, your photos, documents, notes, video tutorials, budget across your work life, your home life, your next holiday, your trip with your friends, the side hobby you have aand the list goes on.

Theres no unified, single way to handle these things.

What if there was a new way to use a computer?

One that works exactly how the human mind works?

At first we started with spoken language and memory. Then we developed a way to write things down. Now, we can instantly send and receive any information across space and time. I wonder what the next step will be

We are no longer bound by the physical. So our tools shouldn't be either. I questioned why, with such modern technology, our documents and files are still limited to simulated pieces of paper. a web...page, a word...document, files... folders...

I began thinking about a new way to make the stuff in our minds tangible 

It started as an idea for a new note taking app. Some call it a PKM tool, a canvas, a board. Task list, diary, calendar. Idk but, It's turned into so much more...

  • Documents with infinite space, Able to accept any content
  • Super slick, smooth, fluid and intuitive interface
  • Minimalist with moderation - no compromise on function or form
  • Offline-first, but retaining the ability to sync between devices of any platform
  • A subscription-free, ad-free, personal data tracking-free, and free download strategy
  • Made for the long run, so you can be sure that you won't loose access to your data in the future

As I kept designing it, it started to turn into a whole -nother operating system now. I might be heading to design madness...

  • The break-down of walls between apps
  • The unification of multiple services into one place
  • Reinventing the "Desktop", the "Home Screen", and the "Files and Folders" system entirely
  • File storage that's app-independant, so that your stuff won't get stuck with that one particular, stingy app

This is becoming a very ambitious project

I want this system to be a masterpiece. No doubt I want to make this a reality, but seeing this might have the functionality of a whole OS its probably gonna take a loong while to develop.

For now my plan is to keep designing and thinking about how we think about, do our daily tasks and deal with information itself (very meta aaaah) and design a single system that can complement this in a way that hasn't been thought about before. Hopefully at one point, there will be a tangible enough interactive mockup to make a website about, show developers and think about funding.

I will need to learn a lot of things to make it happen. I suppose, I'll keep dreaming and learning and creating new things.

apologies for the sudden disappearance of the original post, patreon did something to it and I had to remake this one (whyyyy)



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