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Hey all, I've been struggling to be active lately but I bet you all are wondering whats going on.

Basically I'm back to studying after a break year so time is tight.

Yes, there have been a lot of projects and due dates.

I've been focusing on self improvement and professionalism, social media profiles, website and portfolio etc.

Theres also beginning plans for a tech startup, wish me luck! Hope to see some radical new products come into existence over the future.

On top of that, I'm also helping to lead a university community and part time work is a thing too.

So yea, i've been very busy setting up my life basically, apologies for the slowdown of products here!!!!!!!!! 

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support! I've been using the extra funds to get like whiteboards, notebooks, web hosting and tools to get this all started. Truly your support is helping me get my life and all my plans started.

It will take some time to polish up all of these rushed projects to a point they can be explained clearly as in a real portfolio so all of these will take some time before they reach a point that can be enjoyable publicly

thanks so much for your patience and ur help with my growth!!! I want to aim big and im kinda bent on achieving it, but it will take some time

thank you for understanding and thats the end of the update. For now do check out the stuff on my page! perhaps there was a product you missed, like minimalist desktop folders, a wall calendar of the same vibe or a few wallpapers I took.

Minim iPod theme for greyscale iPods is done and here too, I just haven't found the time to complete the free version upload yet!

cya, and wishing you luck in your journey too!



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