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It's been a slow two weeks but I've been working on a few things in the background!


I've been working on my own personal website!

What you see there is a prototype I hardcoded with HTML and CSS. I've been trying to get it working with Wordpress, a backend software that lets you publish and manage posts.

So far it's proving tricky though, it'll need a lot of work.

I'm hoping it will be a great blog and central place for my creations and ideas. Not sure how often I'll write into it, though I'm pretty sure many people who wish to follow me are looking for a single place to do that.

Hope to expand it with maybe a store, downloads page, music player and other cool stuff!

If you'd like to explore the prototype welcome here:


App Development

Other than starting a website, working on my coding skills is another goal I have. I'm doing my best to learn!

You've seen some of my mockup designs in previous posts, these are prototypes made in Adobe Xd and aren't actual apps but they are somewhat intractable:

I've made a start on learning actual code though, thanks to 100 days of swift UI!

Did you know something about software development??

Additionally, I've been if anyone out there has experience in app development. I'd love to have a chat so just message me!

I'm not too comfortable with sharing ideas just yet because I would like to make something big... but I am thinking about getting some kind of team or something together to help make it all happen.


Finally, the MINIM iPod Theme is pretty much finished! I'd say I'm quite happy with it

All that's left is to create and release the free version. But all you patrons already have the final version here!

Thank you so much for your continued support

Things haven't been going too well for me but this work provides me with something to look forward to day by day. I really appreciate all your support!

How has the experience been so far? Do let me know what you think about my Patreon, I always welcome feedback.

I hope to keep producing more designs, though I'm at a phase where I don't have the skills to create all my ideas, and it will take a lot of time to learn.

Thank you so much again and enjoy,
I hope your day, and everything, will turn out great moving forward!



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