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Hey all patrons!

Sorry for being a little late to post as I’ve been so busy, sorry about that!

I’m not sure if you all saw my post on discord, but i’ll repost it here for you below. Most of you are probably here for iPod themes, so the first part may not be of much relevance as it was targeted at those who use my AquaTouch Touch Bar redesign. It was an update on what will happen to it now that Apple is moving to remove the touch bar towards the future.

Further below though, I outline how I’ll continue forward as an induvidual, and what my plans are as the year ends for me.

Feel free to have a read!

Check out those new Macbook Pros!
its scary.
I'm pretty sure you have noticed that the epic new MacBook Pro Max-s have brought back physical function keys!

It's not the happiest day for us @AquaTouch users, but on the other hand let's be glad that the new MacBooks are back  to being sensible professional tools again. ||and seem to be quite some beasts, finally||
Though the original M1 MacBook "Pro Intern" with TouchBar is still around, the age of the TouchBar is inevitably fading. We had a good time.

So what will happen to AquaTouch?
Firstly, acknowledging all of us that still have the lovely bar, I’ll still be maintaining it for some time, polishing it up and fixing bugs. Perhaps new features may come when I have enough time for them, but AquaTouch development will slow down from hereon. 
There were big plans for it, but I suppose it wouldn't be worth it to proceed with them seeing the situation. With how well AquaTouch is doing already, small refinements and streamlining might benefit more than big radical updates.
But as one thing comes to an end, another begins anew.

I'll slowly and gradually move towards making a few other ideas I have a reality, including an idea that could pickup where the TouchBar and AquaTouch leaves us. This new concept will most likely work for any Mac too, not just those with a TouchBar.
But as of now, I currently don't have the skill to go ahead with creating these new ideas... 
At this point most of my designs are created based off and dependant on other software, like BTT. While easier to get into and create with, this has quite some limitations in the long run.
So moving forward I'd like to make my own real apps, however, since I don't have much developer skill yet, I will need some time to learn how to begin to develop things properly.

I'm quite sure that currently, you'd feel that I'm quite absent from the space and community around my work.
I'm looking to take a study leave from university in order to take on all of these improvements and skill-ups, also hopefully freeing up some time to develop more of a presence and define what "yuuiko's place" is all about. 
Might not be ready to start presenting myself in youtube videos and all that yet because imm a smooll shyy demi-catt, but perhaps one day my confidence will increase.

Finally, I apologise for not much activity lately, this semester's been kind of ridiculous with the multitude of massive design projects all due in three weeks. Just look at my calendar, sheesh.
Once it frees up, I have ideas for @patrons including a cheaper tier and possibly more content. 
I'd like to construct a website of my own as well, so that we all have a place to catchup with my latest creations.

Lots of ideas, but everything is very experimental. 
I'm still trying to feel around and find what my feet are standing on, so I can't quite guarantee that all these ideas will eventually come out, but that doesn't mean I don't really really want to get them out and alive!

My mind is a mess as it's been overclocked with epic UI/UX design concepts for a much too lengthy amount of time while speedrunning 4 assessments at once.

So before I begin all of this I might need a break before I get to all of this ahaha
Sorry for the towering wall of text, but I thought I'd let all of you followers whats happening!

Thank you so much for following my works, and @patrons for supporting me. 
It means the world to me, gives me passion and a drive to continue to create both concepts, and stuff that you may be able to use, that are exciting, innovative and highly considered.

I love design, and I’m doing great! See you around!

As of writing this post though, I’ve finished up my semester and I’m now finally freeeeeee!

You can see some stuff i worked on in this post’s photos.

As excited as I am to begin creating some more ideas and cleaning up the place, I’m quite tired, so I have decided to have a break for a week or two and just kinda chill.

This does mean that there hasn’t been and won’t be much content this october, so I’ll postpone billing for this month as well.

No membership payment for this October!

I’ll be off to chill and clean everything up. Literally all my devices are chock full of storage I can’t work on them anymore, haven’t had time to cleanup my room that much and my schedule or awareness of what I’m supposed to do next is a mess ahahaha

So I’d like to spend some time away from the “I need to get that thing done” and just settle a bit.

Hope you all understand, and also, I’d love to have a chat if you wish!
Come to my discord where you have access to a patreon only section, or come and direct message me. Always happy to have some casual chats if you ever feel like it.

Have a good day, night, week or whatever wherever you‘re at, and do stay safe around the virus too!

See you soon.


Design school assessment - An experimental personal website, not sure if i’ll go with this idea for my site but it’s comfy!
A new way to take online class, also a design school assessment.


Tarik A.

Take your time and thanks again for the awesome FreshOS. Only thing bothering me is that current played song title is covering so much of the album art but apart from that my iPod is as amazing as it never was before!