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Sorry for keeping you waiting! I had a very busy week of assessments but its all done now!

This version continues to refine small details and fix some visual bugs.

Do you think this version is ready to release? Comment below!

New Changes

This version mainly continues to refine small details:

  • The home menu should now work for all languages, though a tradeoff is that some list items get cut off. Small tradeoff in my opinion.
  • I managed to fix the WPS volume indicator bubble staying visible if there's no album art!!! I overlaid a grey rectangle that covers it if there is no album art.
  • Fixed a grey box inside the battery widget when on USB or HOLD screens
  • Fixed pink pixels around the charging battery icon
  • Fixed white fringes seen around some list icons

Known Issues These ones are hard to fix.

- Some characters such as [a d b h n p] look off in the title bar (Rockbox font rendering issue)

- Now Playing Bar can sometimes be blank (Rockbox view rendering issue)

You may have noticed that i have a new screen! Thank you so much for supporting me!



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