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Nearing completion now. In the refinement stage now, do let me know if you see anything off. Of course, this theme uses very "not-intended by rockbox"  methods, so I might not be able to fix everything.

Also yes I did decide to change the name. The theme is still called iPodOS in the files though, this will need some rewiring to change, so I'll do this in a later version.

Changes this version:

List Menus

- Asian Character Support for the title bar (A New Custom Bold Font)

- Fixed Now Playing ticker bar disappearing if holding on any screen other than the main menu

- Title bar disappears less when moving between list menus

- "PlayPause to open now playing" hint removed for menus where the control doesn't apply

Main Menu Battery Widget

- refined icons - More pleasant colours on main screen

- Main Menu battery widget becomes red earlier

- Fixed Main Menu battery widget alignment (off by 2 pixels)

While Playing Screen

- Rounded corners for the song label

- Fixed text cycling through information at different rates making it go all over the place

- Fixed Stray pixel in shuffle icon

Known Issues

- USB Screen "Connected" text is flickering

- Some characters such as [a d b h n p] look off in the title bar because of the new bold font




Well worth being a patron for work like this :) Keep it up!