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My development copy seems to be daily-usable now, so here we go!

Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed a BTT error that resulted in the inability to double-click app toolbars
  • Spelling fixed for AQT auto- initialise.
  • Pastecells now run on Javascript, much more efficient and minimised thanks to @LTO on the AQT Discord
  • Disable Desktop Icons button should now appear if it was never used
  • Fixed bluetooth widgets not displaying your device name if it was a pair of AirPods
  • There's now a new option to clear a bluetooth widget if you want to clean it up. Find it in their setup windows
  • New AirPods Transparency Mode button thanks to @LTO again
  • Conditional Activation Groups now use an experimental "Emoji Class" to detect open groups. Previously there were many CAGs with probably 60+ conditions, now it's all done in one condition. Might be more efficient/quicker but the main benefit is the easy editing in BTT! Thanks to @LTO for creating an amazing automation script for this!

New Apps

Thanks to @CDFman and @Leblanc!

  • Notes
  • System Preferences
  • System Information
  • Font Book
  • App Store
  • Twitch App
  • Safari Technology Preview
  • Spark
  • Twitter
  • Microsoft edge 

Download Below!


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