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The dick is a pretty crucial part of NSFW art, and I never really thought about making a lesson specifically to explain how it’s drawn, until one of you patrons asked me on Discord. So, here is a breakdown of how to draw a dick!

A disclaimer as usual, this is not meant to be a comprehensive guide. I merely aim to give you the basic fundamental knowledge, plus 1 possible drawing method that you can assimilate into your drawing process. 

This is by no means a One True Guide for drawing a dick, so please don’t skimp out on doing your own studies and figuring out your own methods to draw it!


So, at the most basic level, the dick is comprised of 3 parts: the head/glans, the shaft, and the balls.

Each of these three elements come in different shapes, sizes, and proportions depending on the individual.

  • Heads could be bigger or smaller, have a more pronounced mushroom-like ridge or mostly flush with the shaft.

  • Shafts could be longer, shorter, thicker, skinnier, perfectly straight or significantly curved to one side, or somewhere in between.

  • Balls could be bigger, smaller, they could be low-hangers or stay tight to the body

  • And of course, some people have a lot of foreskin covering the head, others have partial, or none.


Different levels of flaccid/erection also can affect how someone's dick looks. An uncut person in particular, usually has a prominent foreskin hood when flaccid, but that hood might be partially or fully pulled back when erect (or not at all, depending on how much foreskin they have). 

Likewise, a cut person can occasionally still have some hood when flaccid, but usually it's fully pulled back when erect. Here are a couple of examples from my giant toys series. (Ignore the ginormous measurements lol)

All this to say, there are many variations of dicks, and people have different preferences regarding their appearance. It’s a good idea to save references of dicks that look appealing to you, and figure out what it is that makes them nice to look at, so you can incorporate that into your own art.

Anatomical Tips

Before actually getting into drawing, there are a couple of anatomical points I would touch on.

1. The Structure of the Shaft

It can be tempting to draw the shaft as a simple shape made of straight lines, but that can result in a dick that lacks a certain oomph, or “juiciness”. Therefore, it’s important to understand the inner structure of the shaft. 

As the diagram shows, the shaft is actually made up of 3 distinct masses, the two erectile bodies on top (corpus cavernosum) and the spongy one below (corpus spongiosum) which contains the urethra. During erection, the two upper bodies fill up with blood and get rock hard, while the spongy body remains soft to make sure the urethra doesn’t get blocked.

A simple way to indicate this is to draw a line to separate the spongy part from the hard part, as most artists tend to do!

2. The Shape of the Glans

The head of the penis is a soft area that consists of a sort of half-sphere shape with a slightly flared ridge around the upper part of where it meets the shaft.

This shape isn't perfectly perpendicular to the shaft of the dick, but is instead slightly slanted to the top. This is in line with the fact that most of the upper part of the dick is just erectile tissue, and the bottom is the actual functional part (the urethral canal where the cum goes).

(Note: the drawing above is just a general guideline, not a hard and fast rule. exceptional variations can exist)

On that bottom part, there's a bisection that forms the dick hole, or meatus, and there's a soft and stretchy connective tissue called the frenulum that keeps the foreskin attached to the base of the head. This frenulum is a similar structure to the frenulum that keeps your tongue attached to the bottom of your mouth. 

I've seen some unfortunate cases where an artist (presumably someone who wasn't born with a penis?) drew a penis with the head bisected on the topside instead of the lower side, so I figured it's a good idea to explain this in detail, just in case!

Drawing a Dick

Now, to actually break down the process of drawing it.

I would start with a basic sketch of a shaft with the head marked by a line (plus the balls if applicable). This is a basic side-view as an example.


Just from this sketch, you can already start to plan some things about the dick you wanna draw. The length, thickness, curve, proportion between head vs shaft, etc. This doesn't have to be perfect, of course, as you'll refine it further as you go along.

From here, there are a few ways to continue, but for this example I'll start from where the shaft meets the head. In this case, I want a prominent ridge on the head, so I'll draw that PLUS I'll make it so that the line of the shaft dips down where it meets the ridge.

How prominent this separation is is completely up to you and the kind of dick you're intending to draw.

From there, I'll draw the remainder of the head,

and I'll draw the rest of the shaft, adding a little bit more thickness on the bottom side on this one to make it more proportional.

Adding in details, and that's one dick done.

Same process for the other sketches with variations in shape.

With regards to the veins, they're a completely optional detail. The visibility of veins on someone's dick is very variable, and it changes depending on the state of the dick, too. 

If you're not sure what you're doing, I'd advise to draw just one prominent vein that accents the shape of the dick to start. You can add a branch to that same vein, or draw separate veins, but it's easy to overdo the details with this, so less is more. Do experiment and reference other artists' veins-drawing methods if you can 

Next, in the case of drawing foreskin, I like to think about where the foreskin ends first. For example, maybe in this one the foreskin exposes just a little bit of the tip.

From there, the process is largely the same, just making sure to do a softer transition between the shaft and the head, as the foreskin is covering the actual divide.

Keep in mind that different people have not only different lengths of foreskin, but different thickness and tightness as well, which further affects the overall shape of the cock.

This process which starts with the separation between head and shaft usually works with other angles as well, although frontal angles are kind of a completely different beast which I admit I haven't fully tamed myself yet either.

Here are examples of more dicks drawn from different angles using the same process.

Without foreskin:

With Foreskin:


As with any other subject relating to anatomy, studying and references are important. Just knowing the inner structures doesn’t mean you can draw every dick perfectly. Make sure to learn from how other artists do it, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different angles and variations.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up in the Art Labs channels in the AA Labs discord! Who knows, your question might end up becoming the next lesson that will benefit many people!



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