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Hey pones, I wanted to let you know that I'm away from home atm until May 9th and won't be able to draw much. I brought my tablet with me and my friend lets me use his PC sometimes, but I can't let him see me draw porn, so gotta do it whenever he's not around ^c^;  sorry for the inconvinience



Have fun! We can wait for ya don't worry


Later bud. Take care of yourself.


what kind of friend cant know about furry porn? :)


Can't draw porn around him?! Sounds like a filthy heretic to me! But really, it is ok :D! You take care of yourself and have a good time! Thanks for the heads up ^ c ^!


Everyone needs vacation once in a while my dude. Have fun!!


Draw some birbs!


Not really sure why would anyone hide what they like doing to their friends, but that ain't any of my business. Have fun out there! ^v^


i talked to him about this last night actually and turns out hes okay with it haha. he already knew i draw porn, i just dont feel very comfortable drawing it in front of him


it turns out he's okay with it actually, we talked about it last night and he doesnt mind me drawing it haha, it doesnt make it any less uncomfortable tho thank youu ❤ c ❤


it turns out he knew already haha, tho its still kinda uncomfortable to draw porn in front of other people


That I can understand. Glad you had a talk about this. Every subject is good for a talk with a friend xp


Sometimes you never know unless you talk with them, and besides if he already knew then he likely has already seen your work before. Sometimes it's that hump of knowing if he's seen it or not that helps make comfort levels improve.