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Once there was a man named James who had always felt out of place in the world. He never quite fit in with the mainstream society and felt like he was missing something in his life. One day, while wandering through the city streets, he stumbled upon a group of people wearing giant ballgowns and doll masks. They looked strange, but also intriguing to James.

As he approached the group, they welcomed him with open arms and invited him to join their community. They told him that they were a cult that worshipped a deity called the "Dollmaker." Their belief was that by wearing the ballgowns and masks, they could connect with the Dollmaker and enter into a state of pure bliss.

At first, James was hesitant to join the cult, but the more he spent time with them, the more he found himself drawn to their lifestyle. They were kind to him, treated him like family, and gave him a sense of belonging that he had never felt before. He started to wear the ballgowns and masks like the others, and he found that it gave him a sense of freedom he had never experienced before.

As time went by, James became deeply entrenched in the cult's practices. He would spend hours every day in meditation, wearing his ballgown and mask and connecting with the Dollmaker. He started to believe that the Dollmaker was the only true source of happiness in the world and that he could never leave the cult.

Years passed, and James grew old, but he never left the cult. Even when the cult's practices became more extreme, and they started to engage in dangerous rituals, James stayed. He had found a sense of purpose and belonging in the cult that he could not find in the outside world.

In the end, James died wearing his ballgown and doll mask, surrounded by his cult family. To them, he was a martyr who had given his life to the Dollmaker. To the outside world, he was a cautionary tale of what can happen when one falls prey to a cult's dangerous beliefs.



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