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Jake and Tyler where always getting into trouble and disobeying their mother.

They were always getting into trouble and disobeying their mother's rules. One day, their mother had finally had enough of their misbehavior and decided to take drastic action.

She sat the boys down and told them that they were going to be punished. But this wasn't going to be just any punishment. Their mother had decided to turn them into adult babies.

Jake and Tyler were confused and didn't quite understand what their mother meant. She explained that they would be dressed in baby clothes and diapers and treated like infants until they learned their lesson.

At first, the boys thought it was a joke and laughed it off. But their mother was serious. She dressed them in pink frilly dresses with matching bonnets, thick diapers, and pacifiers. She even gave them baby bottles filled with milk.

The boys were humiliated and tried to protest, but their mother wouldn't hear it. She treated them like babies, changing their diapers and feeding them like they were helpless infants. They were not allowed to use the bathroom like normal adults and had to use their diapers instead. Their mother decided that she liked them better like this and kept them as her baby girls.



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