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There was a man named Jack who loved to make fun of people. He would often tease those who were different or had unusual hobbies. One of his favorite targets was a woman named Emily who had a passion for collecting dolls. He would often mock her for her hobby, saying it was childish and a waste of time.

Emily tried to ignore Jack's taunts, but they always hurt her feelings. One day, she decided to teach Jack a lesson he would never forget. She went to a witch who lived in the forest and asked for her help in turning Jack into a doll.

The witch agreed to help Emily, but warned her that the spell was irreversible. Emily didn't care. She wanted Jack to know how it felt to be mocked and belittled.

The next time Jack saw Emily, he laughed at her once again for her love of dolls. But as he laughed, he felt a strange sensation throughout his body. Suddenly, he found himself shrinking smaller and smaller until he was the size of a Barbie doll.

Panicked, Jack tried to scream, but no sound came out. He looked down and saw that his body was made of plastic, just like a real doll. He was trapped in this new form, unable to move or speak.

Emily picked him up and carried him away, delighted with her revenge. She placed him in a glass case with the rest of her doll collection, where he would spend the rest of his days as a living Barbie doll.

At first, Jack was in shock and disbelief. He couldn't believe what had happened to him. But as time went on, he began to realize the gravity of his situation. He was a doll, unable to move, speak or interact with the world around him. He was completely at the mercy of Emily, who would dress him up and play with him like a toy.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and Jack began to lose track of time. He tried to escape, but his plastic body was too fragile. He watched in horror as Emily added more and more dolls to her collection, each one a reminder of his own fate.



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