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I woke up feeling groggy, my back was against something cold and metal. As I came to I saw an overhead lamp hanging from the ceiling. I realized I was in some sort of makeshift hospital room lying on an operating table butt naked. That was when a mad came in wearing a white lab coat he had a strange smile on his face. "Who are you?" I asked him my voice taking on a mad tone. "I am the Scientist," he answered. "And you are my experiment." Hell no I thought to myself as I tried to get up and get the hell out of there. But despite my brain telling my body to move it wouldn't listen. The Scientist noticed this "Ah the new muscle relaxant has worked." he mused. I was completely at this guy's mercy. What the hell was he going to do to me. He began to prod and poke me taking various samples of my skin, hair, and fingernails until he had what he needed. Maybe he would let me go? But I was wrong. He then injected me with a strange liquid. Little did I know he had introduced foreign DNA to me. This foreign DNA began to make changes to my body. First, it made me lose all my body hair. Then it redistributed my body fat to my hips and breasts. Ok, so he is turning me into a woman I thought to myself. I was half right. However, something strange happened my legs began to fuse together and began to grow green scales over my skin. They crept down my hips, legs, and feet forming a tail complete with a fluke and dorsal fin running up the back. The top half of my body in comparison was the normal part of my transformation. I grew B cup breasts and my hair grew out from its buzz cut to being shoulder length. The Scientist had turned me into a mermaid. As a result, I began to struggle to breathe. The Scientist picked me up and carried me over bridal style to a nearby tank. I was dropped in and the water rushed over me and I took desperate breaths as I could breathe again. I stayed in this tank swimming back and forth entertaining the scientist and his friends with my swimming and other skills for the rest of my days.



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