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 I was currently on your friend's house. She was a beautiful and kind girl that was getting married soon. She called me over for some reason. 

 "Hey, Kate, What's up?" I asked her curious as to why she invited me over her. She's been so swamped with wedding planning stuff lately. Which sucked because we don't hang out as much. 

 Kate greeted you with a hug. "Thanks for coming Matt. I really appreciate it." She seemed a bit anxious of something. 

 "No problem," I said happy to see my friend again it had been so long. 

 Kate smiled before letting you into the house. "So...here's the problem. My wedding dress has just been delivered, but the thing is, I haven't gotten fitted for it and I haven't tried it on, even for modeling it. All I did was send my measurements to the seamstress so she could make the dress. I thought I could have it so that I'll first wear it on my wedding day, so it'll be in pristine condition. However...I don't know if it fits or not." 

 "Right, I see. Why am I here though?" I asked still not quite understanding why I was actually here.

 Now Kate seemed really worried. "Promise you won't get mad at me?" She asked you. 

 "Oh no," I thought to myself. Clenching my jaw, I agreed. 

 Kate nodded before breathing in. "See, we both have the same measurements, even now. I figured that you could try on the wedding dress to see how it would look when worn and to see if it fits." 

 I felt myself getting mad, but remembering my promise to Kate, I took a deep breath. "Surely one of your friends that is actually a girl has your measurements." I complained. 

 "Sadly, no. Most of them are bigger than me." Kate said. "I wish I wasn't so thin..." 

 "Small? At least your not a guy who is this small." I complained while I gestured to myself. I took a pensive sigh. "Fine, I'll do it" Besides how bad could this dress be? 

 Kate smiled and gave you another hug. "Thank's Matt..." 

 "I wouldn't do this for anyone else," I confessed. "It's only because of how much I love you." I'm talking platonically by the way. 

 Kate smiled at that. "That's sweet of you." She then gave you a kiss on the cheek before leading you up the stairs. 

 I followed her upstairs. She opened the door and any hope of the dress is simple was gone when my eyes laid upon it sitting on the mannequin in the centre of the room. 

 It was by far, the biggest wedding dress you've ever seen. 

 The dress was unbelievably huge and covered in gaudy details, ribbons, bows, strings of pearls, and sparkling crystals. The incredibly overdone crystal detail shot tiny glints of light around the room like a disco ball. The big skirts fluffed out several feet in every direction, covering a massive bell of rustling crinoline. Looking like something that belonged on My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. 

 Indeed. It looked like the giant dress from the first episode of the fourth season, except...more beautiful in appearance.

 Upon seeing it my first reaction was to run for the hills. My agreement with Kate went completely out the window. 

 However, the second you turned around, you were subjugated to the full brunt of Kate's deadly Puppy Dog Eyes. Her eyes were even watering, adding to the affect. 

 I starred her down. My lips in a straight line but Kate's Puppy Dog Eyes of Doom always win. ALWAYS. Giving a defeated dramatic sigh "Fine."

 She kept the Puppy Dog Eyes up for a few moments for good measure, before hugging you again. 

 With me back on board, albeit reluctantly. It was time to put the monstrosity on. 

 First, Kate undressed you, and began to apply a lotion that gets rid of body hair and facial hair. 

 It didn't take long before I was standing before my friend naked and as smooth as the day I was born. 

 Kate smiled. "You know, I like boys with smooth hairless skin." She said before bringing you the ultra frilly white panties. 

 I blushed at that. As I snatched the panties off her and put them on. 

 You were blown away by how comfortable the panties were, surprisingly cupping your cock and balls almost perfectly.

"The seamstress that made the wedding dress is famous for making dresses made of a material that's really comfortable." Kate informed you. 

 Indeed, they were. "I can see that," I replied. "They are mighty comfy." 

 Kate smiled and nodded, before reaching for the stockings next. They were frilled at the tops. Thanks to the lotion that got rid of your body hair, the stockings smoothly slid up your legs, adding to the comfortableness the panties gave you. 

 Due to my hairless legs, the stocking felt great against my legs. "These feel great, what material is this?" I asked Kate. 

 "A cotton and polyester blend, with traces of satin and organza to make the fabric poofy when needed." Kate said as she then got the glittery heels, which were actually glass slippers with padding inside to comfort the foot when worn. 

 I nodded. Kate then got on his knees in order to put my slippers on they fit perfectly. "I feel like Cinderella," I told her. 

 Kate giggled. "I see. Then I'll feel like Cinderella too when the wedding comes." She said. She then went to get two rather large silicon breasts for the white frilly bra. 

 "Yes, you will," I told her. And boy were they big. "Their a little big aren't they?" I asked. To which Kate sent me a flat look. Before raising a single eyebrow and gesturing to her own breasts.

 Her breasts were just as big as the breast forms. Maybe that's why she was so thin, because all of her girth went to her breasts. 

 Maybe. She pulled out a bottle of glue. "What's the glue for?" I asked panic clear in my voice." 

 Kate immediately calmed you down. "It's just a temporary adhesive that's used with breast forms, to help keep them on the chest no matter what. I can easily be washed off with water." She said, showing you the label. 

 I put a hand over my heart "Oh ok." I said. Kate then glued the forms to my chest and helped me into my bra. 

 Like with the others, the bra was really comfortable, holding your breasts perfectly. They looked positively real at a glance. 

 "I have boobies," I said. Making Kate and I both giggle. 

 "Squish squish~!" Kate said playfully as she gave your breasts two quick squeezes. 

 "Ok enough playing around." Next up we have...

 The corset, made to be very comfortable, even when worn. Kate helped you into it, and once it was on, she took the strings and began to pull. 

 It cinched my waist in giving me a perfect hourglass figure. "Wait, I'm confused I thought that corsets were supposed to be really uncomfortable but this is dare I say... Comfortable." 

 "Well, the padding inside, long with the small holes allow for breathing room." Kate said. 

 "Oh ok that makes sense." I said. Kate then clapped her hands "now it's time for your petticoats." 

 There had to be about 50 of them, possibly more. The first one was already two feet in every direction. 

 It took us hours to put them on. As every single one had to be lifted up and pulled down. Then Kate would fuss over the skirts make sure they were fluffed out just the way she liked them. 

 However, you were blown away by how incredibly light the petticoats were, despite their size. They were also very comfortable, made of the softest material you've ever felt. 

 "Oh my god, these are so light and soft..." I trailed off. 

 Kate giggled at that, continuing to put more petticoats onto you. 

 After the final petticoat was dragged over my head, pulled down and Kate fluffed it out. She proclaimed me done. "Sweet that's it." I said. "No, those are just your petticoats." Kate told me with a giggle. 

 Of course, it was time for the wedding gown, which was much bigger than the petticoats. 

 Oh I completly forgot about the dress! It was an absolute monster. Pure virgin white with a tight bodice, puffy sleeves that poofed out into a giant tiered skirt that seemed to go on forever which was decorated with all sorts of bows, puffs and other details. The crystals would capture light and send it across the room. It was the absolute pinnacle of femininity. 

 And you were gonna wear it. You felt like an actual bride as you watched the monster descend onto you. 

 My vision went entirely white as I fought my way through the skirts trying to find my way through to the head and arm holes. 

 This took a few minutes to do, but eventually, you managed to pop your head out and push your arms into the shoulder puffs and then into the sleeve gloves.

 Kate rushed around to my back in order to zip me into the dress. 

 The dress was so incredibly comfortable, that it felt like you were lying in the most comfortable bed, except you were standing up. To add up, it was also allows for air to circulate through the cloth, preventing you from sweating. 

 "Kate! This dress is amazing it's so comfy and soft. I feel like I'm wearing a giant cloud." I gushed. 

 Kate giggled. "I'm so glad you love it! How does it fit?" She asked you. 

 "Like a glove" 

 Kate smiled. "Perfect..." She said happily. "So, do you want to go further? Experience the pampering given to a bride?" 

 I gave a very shy nod. Wait why did I agree to all this? Also, I came to a crushing realization... I was enjoying this. 

 ...Well, at least Kate was the only one that knew of this, and she can keep her secrets.

She smiled before telling you to close your eyes. 

 I hesistated. "Don't you trust me?" Kate asked. I did and with that, I closed my eyes. 

 I was sat down and for about an hour Kate spread all kinds of powders, creams, and liquids. "Open your eyes sweetie." 

 However, before she said that, she put a huge blonde wig onto your head, hiding your real hair. 

 So when I opened my eyes I was greeted by a WOMAN. 

 Easily the most beautiful woman you've ever seen! 

 I was speechless finally I was able to spit out "OMG!" to which Kate squealed "You look beautiful, darling." 

 Indeed. With the pink blush, light pink eyeshadow, light pink lipstick, mascara, and foundation to make your skin smooth and soft, you looked absolutely beautiful. The perfect bride...

You then watched as Katy got the veil and slowly placed it into your wig. 

 It was like something out of a movie. You know the scene where someone gets a makeover and everyone's like "Your so beautiful" except the girl in the chair was...me. 

 And the best part about this? You wanted this. You wanted to be a beautiful princess bride. 

 I looked back and up at Kate and very quietly and shyly. "Thank you," I said a little bit embarrassed still.

 Kate smiled. "You're welcome..." She said as she helped you up, before giving you another hug.

 "Well, what do you think?" I asked while striking a pose after we broke the hug. 

 "Beyond perfect." Kate said with a giggle. "In fact, dare I say you look like a supermodel, and that dress looks like it was made for you!" 

 I must have had the biggest blush on my face as I said that. "Enough to leave your fiance and marry me instead." I joked. 

 Kate giggled at the joke. "Want to practice walking in the dress?" 

 "Sure," I said as we headed out the room and outside. 

 I held your hand as I guided you down the stairs. Your skirts were pressing up against the walls as you swished about. 

 We giggled at that. It was a bit of another movie moment when the girl walks down the stairs to her awaiting boyfriends except the roles were reversed. 

 Kate's phone rang. She answered and after a bit, she cursed. "Damn. Matt, I need to head to the store to get some food for dinner, as well as some stuff for a friend. Do you mind staying here and watching the house while I'm gone? It'll only be about an hour." 

 I shrugged "Sure, why not. Got nothing better to do." Kate grinned before giving me a kiss on the cheek. She then rushed out the door after saying a quick see you later. With that the door slammed and she was gone. 

 So there you were, in the middle of an empty house, as a beautiful blushing bride, wearing the biggest wedding dress you've ever seen. 

 I had to giggle this was not how I thought my day was going to go. Now, what on earth should I do for an hour and in this darling dress? 

 Maybe you could try reenacting scenes from movies where the character was a bride or wearing a huge gown? 

 Oh la, la. But there's so many. What movie should I pick? 

 Maybe...Cinderella's dance with Prince Charming? 

 Of course! I began to reenact from the moment that Cinderella enters the ball from the grand staircase. 

To the deep curtsy she does when she gets to the ballroom. 

 Which was a lot of fun. Imagining myself descending the staircase my dress popping down step by step. All eyes on me as they watch the beautiful girl in the gorgeous gown descend the stairs. 

 And then, the dance with the prince. 

 Once I got to that point though I realized something I had no one to dance with. I mean sure twirling in my skirts was fun but it's much better if you have a partner. 

 Though for now, you'll have to settle with twirling around the room. 

 You eventually had to sit down on the couch to retain your sense of direction. However, upon looking down, you were confused to see that your skirts looked...bigger? 

 Huh, that was strange but I shrugged it off. Had to be my imagination, right? 

 Perhaps. Yet still, your skirts were indeed much bigger than before. They used to be five feet in every direction but now, they were seven feet in every direction. 

 However, the more they grew the less I could chalk it up to just my imagination. My skirts were actually growing! 

 This was...amazing! 

 It totally was. But I couldn't help but wonder how much they would grow. 

 Either way, you were up for another bout of twirling. 

 Which I enthusiastically did. You know I never really got the obsession with big dresses but now that I'm wearing one, I totally do. 

 Though, as you were twirling, your surroundings began to change. 

 I stopped twirling feeling a little bit dizzy. As my skirts began to settle so did my bearings. I then looked around and gasped at where I was now. 

It was...a church! But, how did you get here? 

 Well the last thing I remember I was twirling in Kate's house and now I'm here. 

 And since you were in a church, and you were the bride...then that means... 

 Was I... about to get married? 

 But to who? Oh you hoped he was handsome... 

 Before I could find out I had to walk down the aisle. 

 The music began to play as you slowly glided down the aisle. Standing at the alter was...Kate?! She was in a tuxedo, smiling warmly at you as you came to her. 

 And boy was she handsome. Her hair was cut into a short boyish pixie cut. "What Happened," I asked her 

 She merely smiled and held a finger to her lips, telling you to be quiet for now as the pastor began to speak. 

 He did he began the ceremony and finally it was time for our vows "I, Matt take you to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and obey, till death us do part." 

 Kate smiled. "I, Kate, take you as my wonderfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and obey. Death shall never keep us apart; we shall love for eternity." 

 And with that, the priest turned to you and said: "You may kiss the bride." 

 Kate giggled before taking your shoulders, dipping you gracefully, and kissing you deeply on the lips. 

 The kiss was so amazing that any questions as to what happened fled my mind but when the kiss was over. Those questions came flooding back. I grabbed Kate's hand and pulled into the nearest room which just so happened to be the confession booth. Hand on my hips I repeated my question to Kate "What happened? How did I get here? Why are you marrying me? What about your fiance." I blurted throwing a thousand questions at her. 

 Kate shut you up by kissing you again, wrapping you in a hug. "I didn't want to marry that guy...it was a forced marriage. Luckily, I found an old spellbook that allowed me to alter reality. The wedding dress was made from several spells to turn you into a bride, and then I altered reality so that I could instead marry you."

 "Oh, Okay," I said slightly shocked. "But why turn me into a bride. I mean it was your wedding dress." 

 "Actually no, it was meant for you." Kate said. "I made the dress for you. People thought that it was for me since we got the same measurements." 

 "But I'm a guy?" I said. Still very much confused. 

 "I know, I just wanted to spice things up since I could use magic now." Kate said with a giggle. "Plus, it looked like you really enjoyed being a bride, so I let it slide." 

 "Oh ok. Well, I'm glad I didn't steal your dress then." I laughed. Feeling a lot better about things now. I felt good because I always wanted to date Kate but she was always with her ex and I respected that. Plus I didn't want to ruin our friendship. 

And now we were married. All this because I said yes to a favor for the bride. 


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