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Hey all, the next Patron live QnA will be on the 19th of November at 7pm GMT (click here to view what time it'll be in your timezone). 

I've got a fair bit to share with you all, and look forward to talking to you and taking your questions.

If you can't attend the event but would like to ask a question - feel free to ask in a comment below and I'll be sure to answer it in the QnA, as well as attempt to type-up all received questions and my subsequent answers in a follow-up post.

Please note: This is a patron-only QnA so please do not share out the link to the QnA else it may be changed or restricted using other methods.

I'll see you there!


Pokélink - November Patron Monthly QnA

Patron-Only Q&A Including new features coming to the beta soon, new ideas we've had, status update on project porygon [secrets] and as always, vote on new upcoming features) =============== Pokélink is an app that takes reads data directly from the emulator, processes it inside the app (where you can connect with friends - yes think soul-links), and then makes that data available to web sources that your browser can read. Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/join/pokelink (Early access releases available!) Pokélink Discord & Download ('#public-releases) - http://discord.pokelink.xyz Pokélink Twitter - https://twitter.com/pokelinkapp I stream on my personal account when I'm not working or adding to pokelink (and will be after stream) - https://twitch.tv/Jezzabel Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/ThatStreamerJez


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