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As discussed on the Live Patron QnA here's a run down on what you missed!

  • Project Diglett Cave - Diglett cave is the codename for a new project that connects pokelink to a new world of emulator connectors, beginning with mGBA. NimbusFox has been working tirelessly creating a custom fork of mGBA (with the blessing of endrift - the author of mGBA). It will allow the community (or even emulator developers) to add custom connectors for Pokelink.
  • Code Signing - Jez has now Pokelink now has a code signing certificate, which will be implemented into the app soon, removing many annoying issues with antivirus software/vendors and windows "smart screen". It cost a fair bit but hope this will help everybody going forward.
  • Automatic extraction of ROM data  - Jez has been talking to a developer behind the newly created PokeWebkit project. This will allow full data extraction of the ROM, allowing Pokélink to read the data from the ROM, not available from memory. This means randomized abilities, randomized typings etc will work flawlessly (it may also allow for real-time location tracking.. I emphasize the word may xD)

Thanks for all that came along & thanks for the continued support


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