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EDIT: Link updated with a hotfix for ball licking and markers

Whew, a rough month. Our first programmer hire didn't work out, so we were down a programmer for most of this month, leaving only myself (Edef) and our part time programmer Fred. I ended up having to hastily take over a significant amount of work that didn't see any progress a few days before it was due. Our next candidate I have high hopes for though, and he'll be starting on the 30th!

Nevertheless, we've added some much requested features this month, most notably a knotted Garret variant! We had to write a whole new system for his dick to grow erect properly. Along side that is cumflation and belly bulge, along with two new toys big enough to cause that belly bulge ;)

The new Garret dick is an optional variant, and the new cumflation and belly bulge features can be found in the kinks menu!

Blame our animator, Connivingrat for this image.

Check out the full changes below and please provide feedback in Discord! Thank you everyone for your continued support of Heat! Your support allows this game to exist!


How to run Heat(Remember you need SteamVR to run the game in VR, and 7zip(recommended) or WinRAR to unpack it.)

Frequently Asked Questions

New Patrons: Patreon is really slow at the beginning of the month and may take a few hours to acknowledge you're a patron for the authentication.

Controls: Oculus/Index:

  • B: Menu
  • A: Radial Menu
  • Thumbstick press: Kiss/Lick
  • Left Joystick: Move
  • Right Joystick: Rotate/Teleport
  • Trigger whilst holding toy: Shoot


I've completely run out of buttons on this thing so you may need to customize the controls in the SteamVR overlay. If you have any suggestion on how best to bind everything, let me know on Discord please.

  • That weird button close to the pad: Menu
  • Grip: Shoot w/ toys
  • Bottom of touchpad: Kiss/Lick
  • Left Touchpad: Move
  • Sides of Right Touchpad: Rotate
  • Top of Touchpad whilst holding toy: Radial Menu


WMR controls change depending on the model, and some actions may be unbound entirely. You can see/edit your bindings by going to the settings in the SteamVR overlay and adjust the bindings and add any missing actions there.

For 2D:

  • ESC: Close/move menu
  • WASD: Move
  • P/L: Switch between VR mode and 2D mode
  • Q/E or Ctrl/Space: Move up and Down
  • TAB: Open Radial Menu
  • N: Extend tongue/kiss
  • M whilst holding toy: Shoot
  • Click: Grab something when the cursor lights up green
  • R/F and Z/X: Rotate item in hand
  • Mouse Wheel: Move object away or towards the camera
  • Mouse: Rub something when the hand moves in Debug Keys:
  • I: Make character erect
  • C: Make character climax

The 2D interactions are still experimental and limited, but hopefully still enjoyable :)


  • Add new long dildos
  • Fix character's butthole depth
  • Fix Garret drooling all over his mouth
  • Fix Canine Garret's belly bulge
  • Fix Garret's face disappearing at some angles, causing horrifying things
  • Fix Marina's tongue clipping through her mouth
  • Make pre drip more accurately to the penis
  • Fix Riley/Emmy duo pose flipping out when you put a dildo near them


  • Garret's viagra finally wore off
  • Add Garret duo anim with Riley, Avery, or Aurora
  • Fix Garret in duos
  • Updated garret model
  • Change the way cumflation happens with duos
  • Fixed character mouths not making dildos wet
  • Fixed garret moistness in Sauna


  • Knotted Garret. Though he got into the viagra and is permanently erect for now
  • Belly Bulge kink
  • Cumflate kink
  • Fix garret toes and eyes in certain cases
  • Add missing hip thrust switch to locker POIs
  • Adjust spanking sensitivity
  • Big update on all of the characters internally

Known Issues

  • Laser might not register with UI sometimes, possible fixes are: Game restart, by setting the game window to focus by clicking on it, or by alt-tabbing (let me know if this still happens, I may have fixed it)
  • Browser doesn't launch when hitting authenticate, or refuses to connect: Try running in admin mode or setting a different browser to default temporarily

Common Solutions to Game Issues

These are common solutions to many problems, ranging from the tongue not spawning to the game not launching in VR, or the game not authenticating. Try these out first if you're having issues, they work surprisingly often. If they don't work, message me and I'll be glad to help.

All issues (try these first):

  • Right click on verifyintegrity.ps1 and select 'Run with PowerShell' to validate your files. If this fails, redownload the game. The download got corrupted.
  • Make sure the game isn't installed within any folders that have winky faces or other unusual characters in them
  • Restart the game and your computer

Auth issues:

  • If you have a localhost error in your browser, press the auth trouble button below the authenticate button and follow the directions exactly.
  • Check "use alternate port" below the authenticate button
  • Run the game as admin
  • Make sure an antivirus isn't messing with Heat
  • Make sure game is let through firewall
  • Set a different browser to default temporarily
  • Disable adblocker temporarily
  • Disable any security that could prevent your computer from opening a socket and accepting a connection temporarily

VR issues:

  • Adding the game as a non-steam game then running from within SteamVR (if not working in VR)
  • If you're using Oculus and the game doesn't launch in VR, launch SteamVR and sit in it for about 30 seconds then run the game from within SteamVR
  • Reinstall/validate SteamVR and Oculus software
  • Update video drivers
  • Clicking on the game window with your mouse when the game is open then putting on your VR headset (if the UI laser doesn't work)



If a character is taking a leak, and you swap to a duo position, they'll keep taking that leak, even through their partner if they must.


Loving the knotted version of Garret but i'd love to see his knot swell like Riley's do when he's going to cum x3 Great update guys!


what abou8t a pregnancy slider or egg shenanigans. id love to have more ovi type content

Paw Hunter

Will you ever add foot tickling toys


Tried to create custom bindings and bind teleport to my left hand trackpad because it isn't used (Valve Index Controllers). Didnt' work. Tried to bind it to ANY button on the left hand...nothing. Teleport only seems to work when bound to the right hand. Was hoping for some one handed operation ;)


Or at least a giggle or two after a lot of attention in a tickle spot

ooga booga

is there a way you could add a harness/collar to garret in the future


I'm loving the game. I have only 1 suggestion - more poses for easier access, if you catch my drift. Especially for Marina 😍🤤


69th like... We should commemorate with a new pose!


The knot looks amazing! Unfortunately, it is not available in the bathroom :(


Same here. I love the realism with Riley’s and was slightly disappointed when garrets didn’t swell too.


Can I get someone to tell me how to make this work on occulus?


Download desktop streamer onto your pc and oculus quest. Just look up how to play pc vr games on youtube.


How do I get it to open, I have it downloaded but it won't open


How do I make my character have a penis


is there a way to lock a toy in place


Hi, first of all id like to report a bug, where when you turn on allow 2 and then spawn for example emmy and riley over the multiples tab, and after that spawn for example riley and garret over the multiples tab, emmy will still be there colliding with the other two. Also, is there any way to have 2 characters interact with each other except for the multiples tab? Cause i have seen a video where they were doing it in the shower, tho i dont even have the option for multiples in that location. Or was it only available in previous releases?


We'll look into those, thanks. You can pose characters yourself in pose 2


uh, not sure if this happened to anyone else but um. garret is missing. so is everything after the marina update :/


You're running the wrong version or your game is corrupt. If you're running through a steam shortcut it may be pointing to the old version


Just a question, but are you guys considering adding a mechanic for canine penises to have a swelling knot in terms of level of arousement, and or have the knot swell in the knot? Or is that just me having an attention to needless detail?