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Q: Do I need to remain a Patron to keep playing the game?
No. The game will authenticate and play as normal even if you're not a patron anymore, as long as the build came out whilst you were still a patron.

Q: How do I join the Discord?
Link your Discord with Patreon and you'll be automatically added.
Patreon support article

Q: Does this work with the Quest 2?
Yes, but only if connected to a VR-capable PC with SteamVR through a cable or airlink/virtual desktop.

Q: How often does the game update?
Milestone (major) updates are released every month near the end of the month. Test build updates are released earlier throughout the month when new features are ready for testing.

Q: How do I update the game?
Each build is standalone, meaning it is the entire game. Download the build, extract it to a clean folder, and run the .exe. You no longer need the older versions of the game.

Q: What are the minimum PC requirement?
For 2D mode: Most PCs with a dedicated graphics card, and newer PCs with integrated graphics should work.

For VR: a GTX 960 and an 8th gen i5 equivalent should be capable of handling the game, but more recent hardware is encouraged.

Q: What features does the game have?
Visit the website at anthroheat.com for a list of the main features.

Q: How do I play the game after becoming a Patron?
Go to the posts section of the Patreon and find the latest milestone post. The download and instruction links are there.

Q: My game or authentication isn't working.
First try the solutions at the bottom of the milestone post. If these do not work, ask in the Discord (preferred) or message through Patreon.

Q: Is there a place I can download custom poses?
In the Discord there is a thread under the Heat channel. Click the hashtag icon in the top right and join the custom poses thread. You may post your own poses there as well.

Q: How do I attach a waist tracker to use as a groin bind point?
Make sure the tracker is connected to SteamVR then set the waist tracker as "waist" in the SteamVR tracker settings. It should automatically be recognized in game as a gray puck. Bring toys close to this puck and let go to attach them to it.

Q: How do I connect my IRL toy to the game?
In most cases simply turn on the toy whilst Heat is running. Make sure bluetooth is enabled on your computer, but DO NOT pair the toy to your computer. DO NOT have intiface running.

If this does not work, visit https://how.do.i.get.buttplug.in/ for information on your specific toy.

For connecting with Lovense, watch this video 

Q: What IRL toys does the game support?
All the toys (except serial) under "Buttplug.io Support" at https://iostindex.com/ 

Q: Will there be a Quest 2 standalone version?
Uncertain. We'll attempt it when we're done removing SteamVR from the game, but there's no guarantee the game will run on the Quest 2 hardware.

Q: Will there be multiplayer?
Uncertain. It'd be a colossal undertaking and would require hiring specialists. If it's attempted it would only be attempted far in the future.

Q: Will you add x/y/z to the game?
Features are polled when we're ready to tackle new ones. This includes new characters. Vote on your favourite features/characters when you see a feature interest poll on the Patreon. Until then, our development plate is extremely full.

Q: Does the game support modding?
Partial modding support is currently implemented. Character modding support is in the works

Q: Will the game be on Steam?
Hopefully! That's the plan.

Q: Will Patrons get a Steam Key?

Former and existing patrons who have a lifetime $ of an amount similar to the game's price will get a steam key free!


Udo Meeßen

Hi there, what about naugthy lingerie for the girls? Unpacking a girl in lingerie heats up allways and rises the fun. And may I wish something? I'd like to have a bigger variety of cute, fragil and petite girls.


This is actually wrong. I've gotten locked out several times and had to become a patreon again.....atleast 3 times >3>

Kevin Schubert

Kann ich es mit dem kiirro keon verbinden?

Pt Foxy

ok now its not a hypothetical, but its like that duck a baby and some dogfood in a boat thing. i have this game, a shadow pc, a phone, a laptop, and a brand spanking (lol) new max 2 that just got here yesterday,also a big bottle of that super stringy bad dragon lube, but thats neither here nor there, gods do i digress. anyway, can anyone help me withn how to connect anyh of these things in a way that actually justifies all the money and stress ive thrown at them?the shadow pc is the problem here, but its all i got.please help.


which VR system or headset is this game made for/works best with?


how do I see the mouth interaction? I never see that

Spring Trap

What mouth interaction are you asking about? The characters will start sucking any phallic object you place near their mouth and the same goes for the player, no extra buttons necessary.


wasn't there a tongue thing that shows up when you get close to parts idk. If so I never see it


I can't say it works best with this, but I have the HP Reverb G2, and the visuals are great, so high res for a fairly low cost headset compared to what most others cost All controller functions seem to work with this also.


I have been using 7-Zip, and works just fine for me. Though seems, user experiences vary.


Don't know how you can get yourself to use both sides. But you might be able to use the scale option to make one of them big enough to reach both sides.

Shadow Nightfire

Would it be possible to get Garret a proper set of paws instead of the feet- like paws or mabey give him a digitigrade option to toggle between it and plantigrade? I think this could benifit the other characters as well to give the users another option to work with based on their personal preferences.

J Hanz

i wanna play the game but i can´t because i liv in germany


wdym? I live in Germany and I can play it


I've downloaded the game and it opens, but I don't know how to launch it in VR I have a quest 2 and Steam VR downloaded, I just don't know how to play it in VR?

finn nalewaik

Do you have the oculus quest 2 app on your pc and is it open when you launch heat?


I do and it was open, I just don't know how to get the game to go into vr mode


Neverminded I figured it out, this game is amazing, and thank you guys for trying to help


Is there another link i can use to download the game? MEGA is capping me at 1,5gb of data (the game is 1,55gb). I have to wait 6 hours to download the rest :/ Its not a big deal, just a little annoying.


Can I upload footage to e6?

Brendan Nolan

For anyone who is wondering as long as you have the Oculus PC software and Steam VR on your PC for oculus users after opening the app on the computer it automatically loads and runs the software through steam vr. I am having no problems. P.S. I'm on a Rift CV1

Cinema DaProto

Sometimes it doesn't work so you'll have to launch steam vr first then open Heat

Pt Foxy

does anyone have any idea how to connect toys if you have a shadow pc? ive vbeen trying to get the shadow people on this, but at this point nothing has worked, is anybody able to solve this one?


How do you keep track of ALL of the patrons for the CD key? sounds hard

Laphisto Gix

so how do i get in some positions, like layign down on the bed and watching them ride me, when ever i try my character just bunches up in a ball, is there a way to force yourself into a position and then view from said position?

Pt Foxy

why is it despite that ive been an active patron for probably going on 2 years now, i still cant get on the discord and patreon doesnt even acknowlege me half the time. these guys are ridiculous, also when do you think we might get a male fox playerbody?

Pt Foxy

also still waiting on the hand thing. and also total self awareness. lol


It would be awesome if we could just set a preference and have maps automatically populate with characters in random spots/positions

Pt Foxy

checking almost hourly now.am so excited for synth may die.lol


Yea fr, I'm very upset it was even an option. Would have loved anything beyond 'Sex Robot' especially based on an established artist.


Does Heat only work for Windows

Pt Foxy

Ok guys, i just got tobmeet Astera, i have been a busy bee in my lifetime, im wilt chamberlain if he were a punk rock Fox instead of a basketball player, i have done a lot of interesting things with a lot of interesting people, and i dontthink i had ever been so excited for,for so long, and then so amazingly stupidly utterly silenced, (thank fuck i can type for I'm speechless,) I've always in theory(it's a hard one to practice) had a thing for animatronics,especially certain homicidal robo foxes with buzzy English lists, but you my friends have outdone yourselves. She is absolutely stunning. Perfect. They are sentient right? So I can't just send off forbone? Cus reality now sucks a bit more, because we'll she's not here. I love her ro bits is my point. Thanks again,as usual. (Always a new surprise, just like when I didn't think I'd be into shark chick's that are bigger than me in every single aspect,proved me wrong there too.) But as usual, making the world a better place one fox at a time . So again thank you. PTF out.


hey would we be able to get some more POV animations for the characters with male parts? I absolutely love Garret in the game but there arent any animations that I have seen to get a POV riding him. Honestly I would really like more submissive POV animations in general. Also could we possibly get a character voice pitch slider? That way if someone doesnt really like a character's sound they can adjust it. This is by far the best erotic furry game out there. Keep up the amazing work!


I really would love, instead of a new location, more poses to switch into. It is difficult to really get into actual sex actions with your own character, submissive or dominant ones- in my case, to really take advantage of interactive sex toys. I would love more poses, maybe even random generated/placed ones like in Hunt&Snare if the systems allows this and the efgort is not too high, or Multi-Option ones like in FarmD. Heck, teh ones where you can change into the characters are awesome as they are! Please make more, with every chracter in every location, both sub and dom ones with free and usable mouths and arms for pets and kisses (Example: Missionary with Atlas on the bed, on a bench in gym/lockerroom where you can touch, pet, boop and kiss him while he takes you.) Just personal wishes for an already god-tier game <3

Laphisto Gix

i still want to know how to get certain positions working, like how do i lay down and get one of the characters to ride me with the headset on

Pt Foxy

I've been asked a few times about a demo lately, which I think is insane considering it's 10 bucks, but the only positive side of that is you really can't see what a marvel it is until you're in it. The trailer is excellent, but you can't capture the total immersion from a flat screen. Maybe not even a playable demo,just like a trailer but for vr? Tldr it's hard to convince people it's that good without showing them.


For real I was wondering the same thing. Hopefully it's a feature they add in a upcoming update. n(*≧▽≦*)n


My guess is, as an option, use one of them laying down, have collisions turned off. Make sure to have it set for two in the room. Set the second one in #2 pose mode. Pose the second one over the first, Make sure the first is set to always hard. Once they are both in position, they both should start fucking on their own. Lay down on a bed or some other place, then set your view to that of the first ones perspective, so you are seeing through it's eyes. And that should do it, I think.


Yeah, it's very hard to just tell someone what it's like in VR. They need to see it for themselves. And with a game like this, again, it's hard to just describe it. Even a 2D video is hardly the same.


I want a male Deer character. :D <3

doggone furry

Hi, how do I get generic game controllers to work on linux for this app?


This isn't made for Linux nor does it support controllers, so I can't offer any help there

Spooky Moon

This might seem like a silly question, but how do I launch the game in desktop mode? I have vr but I'm lazy sometimes. Whenever I launch the game it auto-starts vr. Should I uninstall SteamVR? Thanks in advance!

doggone furry

When is support for controllers and/or linux going to be ready? (Though the game currently works with wine)


Kind of wish the game had more kinks to it.

Jay Wilde

more latex would be nice, perhaps Riley could get a catsuit :3


heya, will there ever be a futa option for Astera/will there be a male synth?

Silly billy

Could there be a male/female protogen? Unless astra is a protogen. Would love to see a male version.

Milo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 12:44:11 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.
2023-06-04 08:59:14 Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.

Pleeeeease add Stead from Connivingrat. I love that big buff tiger daddy.


would the community be allowed to add protogens once character modding is finished or do you have rules against that for any reason

Ashley Jewel

would you ever add something with a tapering penis?


Why did you make Emmy so perfect? From the expressions to the proportions to THAT ASS. It wasn't as striking until I finally got into VR. What have you done??! That degree of adorable ought to be illegal.


Everytime I boot it up and try to load the game on steam vr it just crashes before it loads on my vr headset


Any information on a possible new character?


I still don't know how to give character a blow job or suck on their nipples in 2D mode, how can i do that?

Devon Billiam

You just have to put your camera right up to their nipples or cock and they'll begin an animation

Maurice Coyote

How do I switch from desktop mode to VR mode? I have the headset connected but I'm just seeing the 2D version (i'm using quest 2)


Hi, I have been having the same problem, also with a quest 2! Make sure you’re in the steam home and it will automatically open it in vr mode, there’s videos on yt on how to get it to work


I use a quest 2, it works fine! Only problems I’m having is most likely because of my pc that is incredibly slow and can barely run the game, so sometimes it freezes and when I load a new location or goes into the game or something like that it starts blinking like crazy, nothing too game breaking, but a better pc would probably help with that


I just had to put the game in the same folder as the other things it got unpacked with

FiveGGigaWhaaaHT gaming

i have a question, do you ever plan on adding like a clothing system, kinda simple like how you can detach and attach vertexes limbs and dick?


Can we get more futa friendly options for existing characters?


will Anthro heat be out in 2024


I am really hoping for more enviroments like different maybe deep forrest. or alley. the enviroments that are in the game are really nice but there just arent many options. are many new enviroments planned?


Well i hope you will end up finding one! and ill cross my fingers it will be soon!

Jon83 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
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2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
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2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
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2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-09-22 07:13:10 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?
2023-07-29 15:02:51 If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?

If i have slimevr fullbody tracking does that work with the game?


You can join manually here. Message a community mod if you don't get your roles and you have Discord linked with Patreon https://discord.gg/anthroheat


I tried joining the discord from the link and it says it won't let me in

Alex Nguyen

Would there be FNAF Characters?


Would there be clothing so we can undress them?

doggone furry

Does being on steam imply steam deck support?


There was an egg. I try to have them eat eggs. They don't eat the egg. Sad. XD I am so grateful for you guys adding scaling of characters. My growth fetish is very happy. But is there a way to slide the scale smoothly so they can change size slowly or automatic scaling? It's not very great looking at them without looking at the panel and seeing them jidder when trying to change them. I want to emerge myself watching them change size. But that's my advice. You decide if it's worth noting.


There's a growth potion mod on Discord that will suit your needs there

Peter Hemsley

You mention the Minimum PC Requirements for VR above, but what would be the PC Requirements to run run on max settings? Are they vastly different? My old PC has struggled to run the game for the last few updates and it seems like the last update is too much for it to handle as it crashes 9/10 times on launch, so it's time for an upgrade I think! Please note that I am a PC building virgin, so I'll take all the info I can on this :).


Honestly I'm not sure, I don't have a lot of computers to test with. For VR something like a gtx3070 or 4070 with a 12gen or higher i7 would do you well, but you could probably get away with a 3060, 4060, or a 2070, but honestly these are guesses. The crashing issue might also be a corrupt download. Check the solutions at the bottom of the milestone post.

Spring Trap

I run mine on an RTX 2080 SUPER and it's flawless without mods but I could easily get away with running it on a 1080 with lower settings. I'll have to check other usage stats next time I play.

Peter Hemsley

Thank you both for your responses! I'll check out the latest update and see if the crashing issue is resolved, but I'll also use the info you've both provided to plan out a new rig.

Farsight .

I tried connecting my max 2 to the game through mobile but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Is it supposed to be connected to pc?

Pt Foxy

Why can't I make the cuddle poses work?


Lovense Remote etc doesn't work. Disappointed

cameron jadoson

the mega download thing says not engouth space to download in browser but i bought 2TB


what do you mean bought? You don't need to buy anything from MEGA. Your computer drive is probably just full


connect direct to PC bluetooth, not lovense dongle then use buttplug IO setting remote didnt work for me either, best to cut out the middle-man

spam me

open patron in a non incognito tab I had that problem to and that fixed it


does you need a bluetooth usb to plug into the pc that lovesense makes you can find it on amazon


Hey, quick question. I'm running the game on the steam deck (linux) with proton-GE compatibility layer. Unfortunately, something in the pipeline is preventing the game from recognizing the screen, instead defaulting the game to a 4:3 output resolution. How to manually change the res?


There is no resolution change. In windows you can resize the window out of fullscreen by hitting alt+enter


Just wanna mention that I've never had the game Auth without being a patron. Even with milestone builds that released while I was subbed. I'm not sure if thats and issue on my end or not


mm, might just be you.. It should work. Haven't had reports of it not working lately


Hi! I can't seem to join your Discord for some reason. I keep receiving the same error message stating that I do not have access. I have linked my account in Patreon. Thank you in advance!

New Name

Quest controllers not working with steam Vr running? Any advice


how do i play the game


How to start HeatVR in Desktop Mode?


Need to have your headset unplugged, or press P/L on keyboard to switch back and forth

Jon83 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-23 00:46:48 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?
2023-12-16 12:55:55 For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?

For FBT does it support SlimeTrackers?

경윤 강

I play this game with quest3 but hands don't move. What should I do?


Try the solutions at the bottom of the milestone post. You most likely have non-english characters in the game's install directory.

Clan dawson

So i accidentally left the discord, my pc is currently being set up, and im on mobile rn... how can i join back? (I was clan(IHC)[clansgaming101YT]/clanhatescancer[#8849])

Vyse Foxx

How do I load the game on my headset? So wish this was on steam be hella easier, or on quest


Is there a way to completely get rid of teleporting?


Hi. How do I report bugs / submit feedback?


Anyone else having problems connecting their kiroo keon to the game? I'm following the steps for buttplug.io connection and it doesn't work


Since there is no suggestion channel in discord (you should make one :P), i want to ask/wish: Is it possible to make it so, when the PC is 5 and 10 in tiny size (lowest two) your "head/oral trigger) gets the same properties as a dildo for some tiny "Living Dildo" fun? This would be so got for the riding-on-sofa animation f.E. and for some vorish fun at the same time! Two birds with one stroke! Would be awesome! Please!!!


The reason that there is no suggestion channel is becausxe we aren't taking suggestions


That won't work on a technical level with our setup. It'd need to be transparent dildo the player goes inside, which is something that should be pretty easy to make for modders


Thats disappointing to hear. Hmmmm. Cant you guys create a super tiny dildo that we can hold when we are already super tiny? That way, the anus would react to that toy and kinda gives the illusion to react to the player.


We can make it so the toys can scale down really small instead of making a whole new toy

Pt Foxy

Need a male fox player body. It's important.for...science

Pt Foxy

And does anyone else have a shadow PC and know how to connect irl toys?

Joshua ralle

You cant, it will break the game, they said they reccomend to just ajust it to your likings.


May I ask for the discord link or where it is? It's probably in front of my face but I can't find it


Does that have to be done on PC because I don't see that option on my phone


has anybody figured out how to sideload this onto meta quest 3? my pc is not strong enough to run it through steam link or air link


It's not built for Android. Instructions do make that clear, it's a PC VR release.

Frozen Star

I accidentally left the discord, how do I rejoin?

Ya boi Hari

is there a way to lie down in game?


will the player body ever be an option for 2d or will it be VR only

Jaymie Treadwell (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-26 08:21:18 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?
2024-02-23 05:34:50 Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?

Not sure if this has been asked, but will there be a Mac OS version?


Any future plans for an apk to run directly from a Quest device (like Quest 3 or Pro) with adequate specs?

geto suguru

when i try and join the discord it says i cannot accept the invite

Kai S

Hoping for a Chubby cow girl... with udders maybe

Russell M

when do we get a steam key?

Alyx Rose

would it be possible to make the cumflation abit more extreme and maybe have the breasts grow too? like maybe make a slider that makes it so you can go past the default


Got a bug its saying "adnormal characters have been detected in the games path. This will cause issues with vr. You must change the games install directory to something that contains only english characters" and idk how to fix it


It tells you right there. Move the game to a place that only has english characters in it.


Which would be where coz idk where my english characters would be man


English characters are English letters. That means no &#*%& and no cyrrilic, just English.


where do i change it to? coz i dont have a clue


Hello, I'm using a Quest 2 via Steam link and new to VR in general. is there a reason why my hands are fixed and not very reactive? Specifically regarding things like pointing with the index finder to poke the the characters nose, and other such things. They're just open palms essentially. This isn't an issue on things like VR chat as the controllers pick up movements. Thank you.

Jyf Jign

I know the quest 2 version was already answered about, but now that the quest 3 has came out, will there be a standalone quest 3 version for the game that I can sideload onto the headset? I would think the quest 3's hardware would be good enough to handle the game


Try the solutions at the bottom of the milestone post, otherwise there may be an issue with your steam to Oculus connection

Miracle Gaming

i dont know why but its only with these resent updates but for some resin it says its gonna take over 1 day to copy files from the zip and i dont know why my NVME are perfect and it only happens with this game please help i have no clue whats wrong

Lola Bob

Lets get a stand alone meta quest app fffr


Please can we get some sort of blowjob update.


I would sacrifice my soul for Hera


Is there a way to keep my settings the same after closing the window/changing scenes?


Can we get updates for the older characters? their models look like nothing compared to the newer characters and I would like to see them updated as well as have voice lines like the newer characters do.

Captain Muddyn O'Fearghail (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-05-02 04:28:24 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?
2024-04-17 16:39:07 i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?

i supported this project years ago. now i am back. How is there still no female equine character?

Ace Baron

I know right? Every time I look up Juniper_(freckles) on e621 I keep wishing this game had a muscle mare of it's own.


Does animations only work with toys? Or does the player-model also work and I just can't find the setting

Bonez [BAD DOG]

Will there ever be any licensed characters or remakes of licensed characters (so you don't get sued)? Would love to see all the popular anthro characters from games and shows...Like Lucario, for example :3


If we get a license to someone popular like loona or something then maybe, but there will never be "lookalikes"

Bird Boi

Having issues with the download, anti-virus detects viruses and no matter what i've tried so far the files appear to be corrupt


You'll have to disable the live protection if your AV is being overly aggressive. The files are correct on my end

Joey Garner

having issues starting in 2d

The Gas Mask Man

When I open the game its shows up as a Virtual desktop that is 2d, so how do I launch in VR?

David Lucsay

You have to launch SteamVR, then you can open the game from the folder or shortcut. It should launch in VR mode automatically. I believe there's also a setting in SteamVR for launching games in theater mode, which should be off.

Loopz Giff

I can open the game but there's no text whatsoever and the menu doesn't even have characters. can anyone help?


Former and existing patrons getting a steam key is nice. I've contributed a lot even when I haven't been playing lots, >~<


This is literally a question in the FAQ

Regis Manatur

Question, sorry if I missed it. Can it be played offline?

Insanity CORP

Your really the best ^^


You only need internet for a few seconds as you authenticate. The auth system will be changed in the future


another question? will i get the full game later if i end my patreon? is a min amount paid required?


i dont mind buying again to support but its a good question in my mind


Yes, if your Patreon total reached a certain number, probably around $20-30


"Yes. We're waiting on a third party for some tech" Tell them to hurry up! :)


does this game support an HTC Vive Tracker through SteamVR for waist tracking? or it's only able to assign one of the controllers to be used as waist tracker?


Can I turn the music down? The voice acting is nice, but barely audible over the tunes. I figured I'd try this for a laugh. Not a fan of the furry scene, but I don't judge. But i'm pretty damn impressed with the demo so far!


im have trouble with downloading


I've been very impressed on the progress of the game and look forward to what you have in store for us in the future. Now I've noticed a bug with Avery's tail where it connects to the body that you can see through it. Just thought I'd put that out there. Keep up the fantastic work and looking forward to see what comes out next.


This has already been fixed so you're probably on an old build. Get the most recent milestone


i did but mega wont work so ihad to make a whole new file and move it to there


I hope a reptile avatar gets made if that does come out. I am a scaly. And my name shows I love dragons the most. XD


The buttplug.io documentation told me to select the serial port of my toy. This works via the intiface App but not via Heat as there is no settings menu for this. How would i configure and add the Serial port?


i wonder if they will add a 2nd POV for example female POV where u can see what the NPC's are doing to u, makes it better for us females x3


You'd have to go to their site or Discord for that answer I'm afraid

Fluffboii (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-14 14:16:55 For all botttoms alike &gt;:)
2022-08-13 08:20:23 For all botttoms alike >:)

For all botttoms alike >:)

Jake Frenette

can you add a protogen model to the game?


What type of VR systems work with this game and how do you connect them?


Hey random question. But could the wolf girl get anatomically correct parts too? Or would that be too weird?


Can yall just check the FAQ before asking it in comments over and over again? Any VR Headset that steam vr supports can be used to play heat. steam vr should automatically open when starting heat and if set up correctly you should be good to go.

Tristan Hunter

game doesnt seem to recognize my q2 controllers

Damian Bretfeld

i might just be dumb but is there a way to get whomever youve spawned in the gloryholes to actually interact with them? all i can manage is to have them stand there haha


grab them by the hip and put them into place. They won't suck the huge dicks though - those don't fit


Quest 2? The game is compatible with quest. It's likely an Oculus or SteamVR software issue.


Is there a way to share poses with other or have them share poses with me?


where is that thread?

Connor Bunce

Where the hell is this radial menu and is it only in the VR mode? Also please release a controls list so I don't end up having to test every keyboard key.


There is a list of all the controls for every platform on every milestone post


Hello! When will it be possible to buy the game anywhere outside the Patreon? (e.g. Steam) I tried everything but sadly I cannot become a patron since I live in Russia :( I could ask someone from my west fellows to join Patreon for me, but I'm afraid that wouldn't work


It'd work as long as you can log into the account. There's no other methods for the game at the moment, but hopefully there will be more in the future


Any chance of there being a four toed plantigrade character? Like a traditional paw with a heel?

Aquarius 918

how do I set a tracker with owotrack?


I'm not affiliated with them, you'll have to look it up I'm afraid


Is it possible that there will be an option with which the characters do not close their eyes / continue to look at one?


Whenever I try to run the program I keep getting a :Unity Player dll error. Fixes?

ooga booga

yeah you should make it so we can select if we want them to keep their eyes open. when they get exited they close them a little bit like they already do but not completely, i want them to stare at you when playing with them XD


What's the best way or place to submit bug reports or issues?


The download thread for the build you found the bug on or the Discord


Good evening. I'll apologize right away... my english is not good and the google translator does that. it would be nice if you could change the movement speed of 2 characters in an interaction position. like the hands. unfortunately everything looks very static. and i will try to give better feed beck in the future even if i am not a tester. I hope everything is understandable :) and hopefully this is the right thread the translator is not the best :D


The thrusting speed? We will likely add that in the future, but I don't know when. This isn't the right thread for it no, but it's alright

Pt Foxy

I think I've asked this before but is there a way to or will it be possible to make the characters do things to the player without being very specifically arranged? Like starting with just hands and gradually moving to mouth/feet/etc? I just think it would k d be really cool if they could surprise you a little bit

ThatLuckySnxiper HGX

will you ad mods? a braixen, sylveon ect. would be nice.

ia opa

I think that would be the work of the modding community. But i'm with you, a Braixen or eeveelutions would be amazing.

LUCA Sorri

i didnt get an discord invite to the server


I am still not able to get into the Discord


I have a question, when you say hello with the hand in vr mode, can you make the character return the greeting??


I would love some toggable drinking sounds when your mouth hits the golden stream, please. I wanna drink that sect from my beautyful girls. :3


Yes, but i think for the boys and their members only, or did i miss something ? ^^^. Will try with the girls!


Update: Okay, horny-me has to be a littlbe bit more specific: Would love the *gulping* sounds when i am near the source of the girls's stream as well ^^

crankz fn

would the option to pick buttplug.io support and xtoys.app support the lovesense Gravity is only supported on one of them

finn nalewaik

hey i joined the patreon before i linked my discord, is there a server to join or is it purely there for show?


how do you close the menu in Meta Quest 2?


How do I download the game on steam vr?


You don't download the game on SteamVR, you download the game from the milestone posts. Read them thoroughly, everything you need is written in them.

Pepper Moose240

It keeps saying, cannot find UnityPlayer.dll, what do i do?


you did not extract the game properly, follow the instructions in the milestone post

Marvin Heemeyer

I wanted to ask how to get mods to work because i'm having a bit of trouble

Devon Billiam

To anyone with the "cannot find UnityPlayer.dll" bug, try WinRAR instead 7Zip just would not work for me for some reason and I kept getting the same error, but I downloaded WinRAR and it worked first try

Cooper The wolf

I have a question with the bathroom how do I get it where the characters and myself use both the sucking and fucking hole at the same time

FiveGGigaWhaaaHT gaming

i have a question can you add a feature to have a button on radial menu to sit down or lie down for people that dont have full body?

Dr Aleksi

will more characters be added to the game like avians or snakes? me personally I would think a buff snake with a fat tentacle cock would be nice.


I connected my Patreon with my Discord, but it did not automatically add me like Patreon said it would. I probably just need to wait longer, but it feels odd.