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AUTH ISSUE HAS BEEN FIXED. Old version should work again
There was an auth issue on Patreon's end that broke all authing and I've scrambled to put in a workaround. Hopefully they fix it on their end soon. I apologize for the trouble.
Likewise, sorry for the all tiny issues. We'll be making steps towards a patcher soon as well.

The main feature this month is a complete overhaul to the hand engine! It dynamically creates grab poses, allows you to grab things from any point and with both hands, and allows your hands to remain visible when grabbing character parts. This feature is an important step to a full player body, as well as many other improvements down the line.

It also kicked our ass and required massive rewrites to huge chunks of the game's code, so a few things are likely to be a bit buggy. We've done our best but we apologize for any issues. One of these issues has created the need for a hand strength option in the settings. If the toys are too hard or too easy to insert change this setting to your preference. Somehow the hand's physics are tied to the headset's refresh rate of all things and we're still trying to figure out why. Until then, this options should keep things feeling good. If something you like doesn't work quite right, the previous milestone has the old, working hands you can play until we get everything ironed out in this system.

Another of big things this build are the new spanking tools and redness, we've added some spanking paddles and a riding crop for all your spanking needs ;). If you have the option enabled and you spank a character, they'll get a bit red!

We've also added a radial menu toggle to have the characters thrust much like the glory hole characters when you grab them, suck them, or use the penetrable on them. Get your mouth ready! Unfortunately this had to break existing saved poses so they'll have to be remade.

Check out the full changes below and please provide feedback in Discord! Thank you everyone for your continued support of Heat! Your support allows this game to exist!


How to run Heat(Remember you need SteamVR to run the game in VR, and 7zip(recommended) or WinRAR to unpack it.)

New Patrons: Patreon is really slow at the beginning of the month and may take a few hours to acknowledge you're a patron for the authentication. Patreon is not updating a handful of user's pages and is failing to auth even after a long time. If you can't auth, try relogging into Patreon. If it still doesn't work, go into your Patreon profile and change any setting, such as your Patreon name or pledge privacy setting to force Patreon to update your profile. The auth should work after that. If it doesn't message me on Discord or Patreon.



  • B: Menu
  • A: Radial Menu
  • Thumbstick press: Kiss/Lick
  • Left Joystick: Move
  • Right Joystick: Rotate/Teleport
  • Trigger whilst holding toy: Shoot


I've completely run out of buttons on this thing so you may need to customize the controls in the SteamVR overlay. If you have any suggestion on how best to bind everything, let me know on Discord please.

  • That weird button close to the pad: Menu
  • Grip: Shoot w/ toys
  • Bottom of touchpad: Kiss/Lick
  • Left Touchpad: Move
  • Sides of Right Touchpad: Rotate
  • Top of Touchpad whilst holding toy: Radial Menu


WMR controls change depending on the model, and some actions may be unbound entirely. You can see/edit your bindings by going to the settings in the SteamVR overlay and adjust the bindings and add any missing actions there.

For 2D:

  • ESC: Close/move menu
  • WASD: Move
  • P/L: Switch between VR mode and 2D mode
  • Q/E or Ctrl/Space: Move up and Down
  • TAB: Open Radial Menu
  • N: Extend tongue/kiss
  • M whilst holding toy: Shoot
  • Click: Grab something when the cursor lights up green
  • R/F and Z/X: Rotate item in hand
  • Mouse Wheel: Move object away or towards the camera
  • Mouse: Rub something when the hand moves in
    Debug Keys:
  • I: Make character erect
  • C: Make character climax

The 2D interactions are still experimental and limited, but hopefully still enjoyable :)


  • Fix irl toy 10hz limit and make it optional
  • Menu now works whilst possessing a char in a duo pose, allow you to trigger their climax and manage other options
  • Fix radial menu in Gym
  • Fix errors when leaving fingers in a hole whilst changing characters
  • Stop playerbody from colliding with things it shouldn't
  • 2D indicators turns green on grabbable things in gym now
  • Player can suck on dildos again
  • Stop players from walking through walls
  • Fix teleport max angle
  • Manage inactive hands properly
  • Fix menu and teleport laser being relative to the physics hands rather than the controller
  • Fix moving whilst possessing a character
  • Allow you to rotate toys inside character holes
  • Added hand strength slider
  • Fix player scaling, although this may still be a bit wonk
  • Fix radials in Hera pos 4


  • Improve detection of dick grabbing
  • Fix floaty characters when custom posing
  • Fix inconsistent spank detection
  • Sanded down marina's dick to stop causing too much friction on the hand
  • Added a temp marker for the teleport point
  • Switch player movement system to a physics based one
  • Reworked UI options for snap/smoothturn to work with the movement system
  • Fixed player spawn point
  • Fixed teleport teleporting relative to the roomspace instead of the headset
  • Fixed height offset not working at all
  • Fixed player scale
  • Smooth out grabbing all the character's dangly bits and make them not spaz out when pulling
  • Make all character balls stretch a bit when tugged on
  • Fix grabbing spank tools with 2 hands
  • Fix the various grab point laser pointer bugs
  • Remove crappy code that was crappy
  • Increase failsafe distance at which hands teleport back to your controller location
  • Fix player colliding with toys
  • Make more of marina's tail grabbable
  • Refactor system for grabbing character limbs
  • Fix male player hands being wonky
  • Fix grabbing Emmy's tail frills
  • 2d mode indicator will turn when you can interact with the thing you're pointing at
  • Fixed canine glory hole guest
  • Improved 2d mode belly rubs
  • Fix riley boop
  • Fix grabbing toys with 2 hands
  • Fix grabbing penetrable toy when it's on a dick


  • Entirely new hand engine that has left us husks of our former selves
  • Fixed Atlas jog pose monstrosity


  • Marina boop!
  • Spank tools and redness
  • Character thrusting in radial menu! (this breaks previously saved poses)
  • Marina jog and BJ poses
  • Added locations to main menu cause too many people miss the door handle
  • Pose numbers should be more consistent across characters, like pose 3 will always be the animated pose
  • Refactored some auth code to not use ancient tech (lemme know if there's any auth trouble)
  • Add 10hz limit to irl toy updates
  • Duo poses should no longer have synced breathing
  • Fix character's elbows and knees moving funny when posing in pose 2
  • Increased max speed for animated poses
  • Removed unused code
  • Updated Marina's collision to respect her chub slider
  • Blocked loading of poses immediately after entering a scene whilst things are still loading
  • Fixed marina againstwall pose jitter
  • Refactor character mouths
  • Fix gloryhole character thrusts
  • Fixed bottom UI hint text loop properly
  • Made boobies teleportable
  • Adjust Marina and Gym UI colours
  • Fixed open mouth radial option

Known Issues

  • Laser might not register with UI sometimes, possible fixes are: Game restart, by setting the game window to focus by clicking on it, or by alt-tabbing (let me know if this still happens, I may have fixed it)
  • Browser doesn't launch when hitting authenticate, or refuses to connect: Try running in admin mode or setting a different browser to default temporarily

Common Solutions to Game Issues

These are common solutions to many problems, ranging from the tongue not spawning to the game not launching in VR, or the game not authenticating. Try these out first if you're having issues, they work surprisingly often. If they don't work, message me and I'll be glad to help.

  • Right click on verifyintegrity.ps1 and select 'Run with PowerShell' to validate your files. If this fails, redownload the game. The download got corrupted.
  • Running the game as admin
  • Make sure an antivirus isn't messing with Heat
  • Adding the game as a non-steam game then running from within SteamVR (if not working in VR)
  • If you're using Oculus and the game doesn't launch in VR, sit in launch SteamVR about 30seconds early then run the game from within SteamVR
  • Reinstall/validate SteamVR
  • Update video drivers
  • Clicking on the game window with your mouse when the game is open then putting on your VR headset (if the laser doesn't work)
  • Make sure the game isn't installed within any folders that have winky faces or other unusual characters in them
  • Restart the game

MD5 hash for this build: B1D03DCCEA3EF293CAAE7E5609A49220


Jack The Deergal (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-03 14:58:29 On WMR I can't get the fingers to move, I'll try messing around with settings tomorrow. But heck yeah, spanking! <3
2022-02-28 06:19:13 On WMR I can't get the fingers to move, I'll try messing around with settings tomorrow. But heck yeah, spanking! <3

On WMR I can't get the fingers to move, I'll try messing around with settings tomorrow. But heck yeah, spanking! <3


Pretty good all round. I especially love the thrusting option. Seeing Atlas go ham is a sight to behold. That being said, I'm encountering a bug where the height scaling just doesn't work and if I go lower than 50, I clip through the floor and have to alt+F4. I don't know if it's because I'm running Virtual Desktop through Quest 2, but that happened. Figured I'd let you know!


i would love an option of maw play where the characters place you in their mouth and you can only teleport out :3 would be funn :3


I'm loving the new features. However, is the exclusion of teleport for Vive only temporary? Or is there something I missed?


Sorry that's probaly to do with bindings. Open the SteamVR overlay and then the bindings menu and adjust the controls there

Jack The Deergal

I just checked and everything is bound, I think I'll try deleting and re-installing to see if that fixes it


I found smooth turning speed is much slower than I remember even with maximum, I like fast turn.


I feel like the last few versions of semen have looked unreal and awkward, like glowing jelly. Semen looks more real in previous versions. Will there be changes in future versions?


So I appreciate you trying to make the game better, I like the spanking, maybe make a redness time slider to make it last longer, maybe a slider to keep some of them flaccid. But turning speed is soooooo slow now, even at max. It is almost impossible to make custom poses anymore, I just spent 5min grabbing all over marina and heras back so I could pose them and had to reset them twice just so I could change there torso angle, and now whenever I finally can grab their torso, 9/10 it usually spazes out at light speed. Edit I tried to do it on 2d, Jesus fucking Christ it's like 30x's harder, I swear I've been over every square inch on marinas back. On a funnier note, sometimes I'll grab her boob through her back, it's like I'm the predator shoving my hand through her chest or something. Sorry for the essay.


This looks great! If I may make a small animation suggestion for a future release, it would be really cool to see Riley's rocket try to become errect and push against his cage when enabled. Atm it just looks flaccid and isnt touching the cage at all.


This update is great! Only change I'd suggest is making a persistence slider for redness, maxing out at permanent. Right now it disappears way to fast.

Gravity Break

Incredible update, but I kinda miss the button press for tongue features. Clicking the stick isn't nearly as comfortable for me.


You can rebind it in the SteamVR bindings menu. We ran out of buttons to use sadly

Gravity Break

Thanks for the tip! Out of curiosity, is there a reason both VR controllers have to have the same inputs? Or is it some kind of esoteric thing where you can't count on there being "two controllers"?


download link broken ?


AUTH ISSUE ON PATREON'S END. I'm looking into it, sorry for the trouble


Auth issue should hopefully be fixed. Sorry for the trouble.

Logan grant

I need help, ive been getting frustrated because idk how to run this software first off idk how to use steam vr much less comnect my quest to my pc, i have the game downloaded its just all down hill from there


Look up guides on how to get it connected, There are a few ways to do it, like with a cable or AirLink or Virtual Desktop


Had an issue when I used one controller for the waist. It still registered as the move controller and I kept walking forward and the game crashed because I happened to have the collision on as well. xD

Jack The Deergal

Eh, hards are still stuck open. Works fine with the older updates, but refuses to work with this one in particular :/


I am not sure why the reptile hands are removed? My OC is a dragon and would love to have reptile hands. I wonder why it was removed? Try to skim the changelogs of reason but either I missed it or it's not there.


They were a really old model and weren't compatible with our new hands anymore. I'll get a lizard texture for the new hands added to the list

Logan grant

I have most of it figured out i just have lots of lag in the headset upon opening the game alongside the fact that idk how to ppen it woth steam vr to play it in actual vr instead of desktop mode


I'm trying to download it on my laptop but I keep getting system error because UnityPlayer.dill wasn't found, how can I fix this so I can play?


you didn't extract all the files in the .7z. Make sure everything in the .7z makes it into the folder


Ok thanks, once I get some free time I'll check and make sure it's all extracted into the folder

Taz Page

Question, where do I extract the files and how do I get it to run with steamVR if anyone know's pls help


Is anyone experiencing desyncing with the hands?


Nah, it's happened to me as well. I thought at first it was because of streaming the game through Virtual Desktop and there was a whole bunch of lag, but I think the desync happens with excessive posing. Just save the pose you want, switch characters and switch back. Should fix it, until it happens again.


Is there any more plans to make more attachable toys? I love the canine attachable but i would love to see a toggle option to where you could have a equine, dragon, or some other species as a attachable


I'll investigate this. Is there a way to reproduce it consistently?


Yeah we should model a few more, Wiah's been busy with a lot of other art tasks though


I haven't been really looking out for it, but I do notice that it happens after posing a character.


Is there any plans to integrate with Kiiroo/Lovense devices?


when will the most recent update be available to tier 2?

ia opa

Now Marina gets a female variant, does that mean there's a possiblity hat Aurora could get a herm variant?


I don't control toy integration. Look here for supported toys https://iostindex.com


when exit