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We're doing an earlier test build this month because we're doing a huge overhaul to the hand physics system which will take up a lot of time. This new system should feel much better than the current hands and allow you to grab things from multiple angles, and it should also work much better with a playerbody we'll be working on for next month.

One of big things this build are the new spanking tools and redness, we've added some spanking paddles and a riding crop for all your spanking needs ;). If you have the option enabled and you spank a character, they'll get a bit red!

We've also added a radial menu toggle to have the characters thrust much like the glory hole characters when you grab them, suck them, or use the penetrable on them. Get your mouth ready! Unfortunately this had to break existing saved poses so they'll have to be remade.

There was a bunch of other fixes and changes. Check the changelog below! If you're new, check out the milestone post for all the instructions and troubleshooting tips and whatnot.



  • Marina boop!
  • Spank tools and redness
  • Character thrusting in radial menu! (this breaks previously saved poses)
  • Marina jog and BJ poses
  • Added locations to main menu cause too many people miss the door handle
  • Pose numbers should be more consistent across characters, like pose 3 will always be the animated pose
  • Refactored some auth code to not use ancient tech (lemme know if there's any auth trouble)
  • Add 10hz limit to irl toy updates
  • Duo poses should no longer have synced breathing
  • Fix character's elbows and knees moving funny when posing in pose 2
  • Increased max speed for animated poses
  • Removed unused code
  • Updated Marina's collision to respect her chub slider
  • Blocked loading of poses immediately after entering a scene whilst things are still loading
  • Fixed marina againstwall pose jitter
  • Refactor character mouths
  • Fix gloryhole character thrusts
  • Fixed bottom UI hint text loop properly
  • Made boobies teleportable
  • Adjust Marina and Gym UI colours
  • Fixed open mouth radial option



To clarify, you can teleport *on* the boobies when scaling yourself down, you don't teleport the actual boobies lmao


it may just be me but i cant seem to get a decent hit with the paddles and crop, they connect but they dont seem to have much of an impact


Would be nice to be able to toggle the ahegao face Marina makes sometimes.


Lovely additions and always a blast to play! The thrusting is a god-send! Thank you guys! I spanked a little but i am on the soft side of love and enjoy everything else. Marinas Butt-Interior looks still kinda edgy and fake. Hope to get an update on that along the way! Would love the game to recognize myself as some kind of *Full Body Dildo* when i am tiny. Maybe a new Pose where they use us like that would be awesome! Another wish of mine: Would be cool with we could climb their bodies like spider-man or maybe a noclip-fly-option. I stop my wishlist for now, being afraid to get banned due to annoying the creators :D

Aaron P Smith

Just adding to the Conversation maybe within the next few updates maybe add possibilities to cum inside the Characters with the toys


I’m trying to download this game and I’m having trouble could I get a walk through on how to download it


so i have a few recommendations. one is mainly for size play, some sort of "hold head still" function. it's impossible to get in and stay inside of their mouth they keep moving their head trying to "look at you" but you're in their mouth so their head just goes in a weird direction. if there were a way to move their head and keep it in that position it would be amazing. another thing i noticed it that the new thrusting animation while is amazing and i love it, the thrusting is mostly based off of the movement of the back, i feel it would be better if it were more hip based as when the character is laid on their back in pose 2 it looks very awkward as they move their entire body to thrust. i also really love the spanking feature, could there possibly be slapping added with the same redness but on like the face. and finally before i shut up and leave you alone it would be nice to have a way to pose the fingers on the hands or a list of hand gestures to pick from, pose the head so they dont look around, and add a second pose adjustment point in the middle of the back to go with the shoulder/upper back adjustment.


Hey I have a bit of feedback on the new spanky feature. Its amazing, you've already hit lots of marks with that. However, i have some possible improvements. I give a lot of spankings irl, and redness doesnt fade immediately, id suggest making them persistent with a reset in the spanky menu. Also, each red splotch could be randomly shifted between red and reddish purple, i feel it would give a more realistic and satisfying look. And i think i would reduce the weight of the paddles by at least a third, real ones only weigh a couple ounces. These kinda feel like reeeeally heavy and hard to swing. And they fall out of my hand a lot trying to swing them. the crop is great though, fantastic work yall.


Oh and i jsut read yall did a whole new hand engine, and it does feel better!]