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This month, as usual, is a batch of fun features! A lot of these are some quality-of-life stuff people have been asking for, like scalable marker paint area and smooth turning, and others are larger features such as a Hera/Aurora pose and spanking! :O

Take a look at the changelog at the bottom of the post for all the changes! Floating dildos is a particularly fun one, as are the new wet sounds when you stick things inside the characters~

Next month, provided no huge challenges appear, you should see Riley, our femboy fox character! He's a cutie and he's ready to serve. Hopefully he'll let Emmy and Aurora borrow some of his socks too ;)

Thank you everyone for your continued support of Heat! You allow this game to exist and we're happy to provide!

Notice: July 16th: Patreon is being exceptionally slow and auth may take longer than usual.
EDIT: July 17th: Might be fixed now

How to run Heat(Remember you need SteamVR to run the game in VR, and 7zip(recommended) or WinRAR to unpack it.)

New Patrons:
Patreon is really slow at the beginning of the month and may take a few hours to acknowledge you're a patron for the authentication. Patreon is not updating a handful of user's pages and is failing to auth even after a long time. If you can't auth, try relogging into Patreon. If it still doesn't work, go into your Patreon profile and change any setting, such as your Patreon name or pledge privacy setting to force Patreon to update your profile. The auth should work after that. If it doesn't message me on Discord or Patreon.



  • B: Menu
  • A: Kiss/Lick
  • Left Joystick: Move
  • Right Joystick: Rotate/Teleport


  • That weird button close to the pad: Menu
  • Bottom of touchpad: Kiss/Lick Left Touchpad: Move
  • Top/sides of Right Touchpad: Rotate/Teleport


WMR controls change depending on the model, and some actions may be unbound entirely. You can see/edit your bindings by going to the settings in the SteamVR overlay and adjust the bindings and add any missing actions there.

For 2D:

  • ESC: Close/move menu
  • WASD: Move
  • Q/E or Ctrl/Space: Move up and Down
  • TAB: Extend tongue/kiss
  • Click: Grab something
  • R/F and Z/X: Rotate item in hand
  • Mouse Wheel: Move object away or towards the camera
  • Mouse: Rub something when the hand moves in

The 2D interactions are still experimental and limited, but hopefully still enjoyable :)



  • Updated for milestone release


  • Orifices will now make sounds for any insertion, not just dildos
  • Tongue now makes wet noises when licking
  • Add Pose 2 climaxes to Hera and Aurora
  • Fix spanking the boy's flaccid dicks
  • Add gasp sounds for Emmy
  • Optimize some animation trees
  • Fix potential race conditions
  • Update Unity


  • Added wet noises when thrusting dildos in and out of characters
  • Added spanking to all character's jiggly bits, to which they will react
  • Improve spanking noises based on spank velocity
  • Added gasp noises to most character when spanked hard (not including Emmy, need some soundproof foam before I can record his)
  • Fixed breakage when moving to glory holes with controller set as waist
  • Fixed some error spam with Hera's vag
  • Internal refactors!!!
  • Fixed smooth turning not rotating around the correct point
  • Fixed waist stuff when possessing characters
  • Fixed bad things happening if you stuck a dildo all the way into a character's mouth with floating dildos enabled
  • Fixed a case where dildos might not spawn
  • Renamed some saved values. Some option sliders you had saved will be reset to default


  • Add new Hera/Aurora duo pose owo
  • Implement spanking noises when slapping their butts fast. This is an initial proof-of-concept for this feature and will be improved and expanded upon
  • Add toggle to suspend toys in the air, so characters can use them without your help~
  • Adjust eyelids when giving BJs to stay open, so they can look at you with those beautiful peepers <3
  • UI now shows in front of geometry and is no longer affected by bloom and post processing
  • Add toy position reset button
  • Add smooth turning options
  • Add scrollbar to options menu. You can click and drag anywhere in this page in VR
  • Adjust character view limits so they can find you when giving a BJ
  • Add slider to adjust marker brush size to make painting them all one colour easier, like you guys love to do for some reason :T
  • Rename dildos to toys in the menu cause it sounds more sophisticated
  • Fix credits screen in the glory hole bathroom
  • Fix 2d mode UI issue

Known Issues

  • Laser might not register with UI sometimes, possible fixes are: Game restart, by setting the game window to focus by clicking on it, or by alt-tabbing (let me know if this still happens, I may have fixed it)
  • You can get boneitis if both hands rub something at once just for the first time. To fix this just move both hands away from the character for a bit and it should stop happening



Amazing simulation. Suggestion: Locking feet and/or hands to floor/objects while posing. Dunno if that's even possible tho.


How do you use the controller as waist option? There's nothing for my waist to control lol (nvm i figured it out, but it doesn't work well with rift s sadly)


does it work with the quest 2?

Jack The Deergal

Loving it so far &lt;3 only problem so far is that the BJ's on Windows MR cause the hand to shake violently: http://imgur.com/a/N3Z3FqN


this is mostly due to tracking issues with the headset as far as I know. The tracking in game is cause the hands to jitter and the character head is amplfying that jitter by trying to track it


Should totally make APK versions so people can install this to their quest/quest2 (jussayin)


If it were that easy I'd have done it. The quest is very weak hardware and many things are not compatible with it


I'm sorry to say that my financial situation changed, and because I can't support your patreon anymore, it seems I won't be able to enjoy your creation anymore either. I was really hoping to enjoy this update too.


You don't lose access to the game when you cancel your patronage. You can still play the last build you unlocked


Looks good! A couple things: on desktop mode you can make the guys cum instantly with C, can you do that for the girls too? Also can you make it so you can do that in VR mode? (maybe like a small grabbable button next to the markers that makes the character cum). Maybe even a "sensitivity" slider that makes the character easier to orgasm when they are more "sensitive", just cause giving multiple lengthy handies kinda makes me tired Also I like that you can interact with the cum, but it disappears so fast. Can there be a slider for the lifetime of the cum? Maybe goes up to infinite life with a framerate warning, so that characters can cum in multiple different places without it disappearing


We'll see about the cum button. It works in VR too if you have a keyboard nearby, but it is meant to just be a debug button. We're currently trying something for the cum perf but no promises


Little late to the party, and idk if this has been asked before or not, but is there a way to keep the cum around longer, since after a few moments it starts to disappear, either keep it longer or permanent (or like up to a certain set limit at one time)


yep fred's spent the last 2 weeks on a new fluid engine, we'll see if it works out


That would be epic, i hope all goes smoothly


Well, ia something happening? Its a bit silent since juli


We've had 2 weeks to implement a new character and an entirely new fluid engine. Give us time.


Is there any plans for the 2D controls? This is such an amazing game, but it is sad that I can't enjoy everything it offers, as I don't have any VR (and I'm not going to buy it just for this one game) :D


Yup 2d improvements are planned in the near future. The controls themselves are available in this milestone post for 2d mode


like needle,belly punch feet Something……


I would love to see an option to make riley even girlyer (trap) longer hair etc!