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EDIT: Updated to!

The dick tracker arrives!

If you have a Vive tracker set to 'Waist' in SteamVR, you should now be able to attach toys to it to do some humping of your own ;). Simply grab a toy and move it close to the tracker and a preview should pop up to help you position it. You can change the position of the toy just by grabbing and releasing at different spots near the tracker. If you don't have a tracker I've also added an option in the settings to use a controller as a tracker instead. You'll have to find a way to strap a controller to your groin though xP.

Yes you can also attach the markers to your groin if you want to for whatever reason. I don't judge ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Changelog 3:

  • add a new Hera pose - Ride em' Cowgirl! (animated by Acaris!)
  • added a new character - Chairy the chair that exists solely for Hera to ride you on
  • add swallow sounds if take a load in your mouth ;)
  • add heartbeat sounds when you listen close to character's chest that speed up and slow down appropriately
  • add support for climax sound variety that Hera's new pose uses
  • add new Emmy toe animations >w>
  • fix 2d mode toe animations
  • fix fluids not colliding with character's faces
  • update Unity

Changelog 2:

  • EDIT: Minor hotfix to fix right hand dildo attachement
  • fix the groin not moving with the height offset option
  • redo the way the groin is attached to the player. You can now face it any direction you want and isn't based on the tracker's/controllers direction, so you can strap a controller or tracker to your groin in any orientation.
  • add a transparent preview for where the toy will go when attaching to groin
  • remove the "Groin Angle" option from UI since it's no longer necessary
  • fix a math error when attaching a toy to your groin
  • fix rare auth failure when Patreon acts up


  • implement waist tracker support and the alternate controller mode
  • All new Hera pose 1, with climax - animated by Acaris!
  • add all new Emmy climax noises owo
  • add tooltips to various UI elements to explain stuff
  • transition better when finishing climax back to breathing
  • adjust pose 3 on Emmy so the tail isn't so much in the way of toys
  • make pose 3 on Emmy recoil more when you dick him
  • fix the "enable moans" option for those who don't want them
  • everyone's favourite useless changelog point: internal refactors!

 Known Issues

  • Laser might not register with UI sometimes, possible fixes are: Game restart, by setting the game window to focus by clicking on it, or by alt-tabbing  
  • you can get boneitis if both hands rub something at once just for the first time
  • closing a menu during the transition when you get past the auth might break the menu, requiring a game restart



Im dreaming right?


I thought it was our dream horse. But this is also good


We're working on it! Characters take an *absurd* amount of work Dx


im having trouble downloading :(, says its no longer available (i no longer have this issue :) )

Forward Bias

Oh wow... The day has finally arrived. :D


cant really get it to work on my vive tracker unless im doing something wrong


I am just wondering is there another female character being made?


This was fixed for those wondering. You need to go into the SteamVR Vive Tracker settings and set a tracker to "Waist" to have it recognize


Will work if you don't have hip trackers