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EDIT: Update to with fixes and new poses!

Emmy's butt is here! 

There were a lot of technical and fundamental changes in this build so hopefully everything's still fully functional. Let me know if you find anything strange!


  Changelog 3: 

  • add new Pose to Emmy and Hera (Hera can climax in this pose)
  • new headlook code - omg THEY BLINK FINALLY
  • characters will look at dildos you bring near them for a bit
  • lube up dildos with your mouth, or lick your hand (it tastes fine!)
  • things stuck into Hera's vag will come out wet
  • you can use markers on dildos and your hands now, if you want to make terrifying custom dildo skins
  • disable the bottom part of the bed collider so you can aim your teleport underneath it
  • set different cum/squirt strength during climax animation in some cases
  • new Emmy climax sounds (are they any better?)
  • multithread some expensive operations
  • improve Hera's vag slightly and fix minor issues with her model
  • tweak climax sound timings
  • add more bugs, probably
  • fix Oculus controller bindings for the right hand
  • fix hard crash that didn't happen before
  • clean some stuff that nobody except me knows about

 Changelog 2: 

  • fix pose 1 on Emmy - cum, tail clipping, hand on snoot, and infinite afterglow fixed
  • fix seams on character models
  • make collision more accurate after manually moving limbs
  • optimize collision system
  • make Emmy's balls behave more like a ballsack and less like chameleon eyes
  • make it harder to wrench dildos out through the sides of character's asses
  • smooth out Emmy's butthole when big things are shoved in
  • change the way gasps are handled when you first stick a dildo in. Will only happen when they're not panting now as well. Should hopefully fix the pose 5 gasp bug
  • add new Emmy gasp sounds
  • fix potential bug with 2d mode grabbing
  • fix Hera's teefs showing through her jaw when she pants
  • update Unity
  • update credits a little
  • make the markers draw better
  • internal stuff to make my life easier
  • fix some GC churn


  • implement new Emmy model and the tremendous amount of the work that goes with it
  • change the way character's collision is handled to be more accurate
  • update Unity
  • change the way the character's poses are organized
  • add new Pose 3 to Emmy where he shows off his goods~
  • fix an issue causing Emmy's model to lose a lot of detail
  • optimize Haira's hair physics
  • fix a case where Emmy's pp would fly into the stratosphere
  • improve the way Emmy blows his load

 Known Issues

  • Laser might not register with UI sometimes, possible fixes are: Game restart, by setting the game window to focus by clicking on it, or by alt-tabbing  
  • you can get boneitis if both hands rub something at once just for the first time
  • closing a menu during the transition when you get past the auth might break the menu, requiring a game restart





Finally!!! The butt fun with Emmy is here!!


" When big things are shoved in" UwU


Can the player have a body?


It would require the player to have full body tracking, since the poses during sexy times are very complex things


Can i play with their tails? :3


Tested this on my Oculus lastnight. Fantastic! im so happy someone has finally done this.. Can't wait to see what other things your going to do with this ;o