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It’s honestly crazy to think I was ever skinny…. So glad those days are gone Lmfao

Pudgy looks good on me and it’s more fun to grab

Here’s a comparison when j was like 180 at my old job and this week at 220. (Excuse the purple hair towel, I had just gotten out of the shower)

You can really see how big my belly has gotten in the comparison. It’s wider and poking out further. Excited for the next 20lbs tbh. I’m expecting them to fully push me into fat boy territory and hide any shred of jock I have left.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Es1eAxXi50EfquNH8KVU4M96SntIL81L/view?usp=drivesdk




Ryan Bridges

Your body is amazing 😍😍


everything about your body, ass, and bulge is beautiful