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Right so the 'Julia gets blacked' animation is done, just need to add sound. after editing and completion we're looking at 19 minutes and 40 seconds for that particular scene. Plus there will be more sex scenes to come! As well as a decent storyline that I hope, doesn't diverge too much from the SIMBRO official one, who knows with luck maybe the SIMBRO team will take some inspiration from this.

In the meantime, kind of disheartened that John Do and 1 other Patreon pledged and then left the next day (see i do care.), if ever you guys get to that point, PLEASE don't hesitate to let me know, one of the most vital things for creators is never to lose the initiative with their patreons, I saw it all too well with the Breeding Season game and I'm determined not to follow that example. Very few people get to know their patreons, instead just sticking to business, that's fine for some but I think if someone is funding you and investing in you they need to know about you so they can make a judgement call, you're not just investing in my films, you're investing in me, and I like to make sure your getting a damn good return on that. :-)

So I know for example:

1 patreon is a Russian Historian,

1 is a Danish Gamer obsessed with Halestorm,

1 Is a Girl.

Kalishnekow1997 is not a patreon but hangs around and likes every post. :-)

Mira was my first ever pledge.

See? I do pay attention.

P.S. Some pics to follow... :-)



Ого, я теперь популярный :D


Dearest Apo, it should not be surprising that some people will pledge/download/remove pledge again, all creators will experience that and it had nothing to do with their work or activity, it has to do with cheapskates who is out for freebees and trying to beat the system in paying. See it as an extra compliment every time it happens, that your work was good enough to get the attention of such bad people. ;-)