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New version is being uploaded to dropbox right now:

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/42pruhgn6eq55xw/AABSIXROTgflyrVR5U_vR71oa?dl=0

What's New?

* 2 New Shani Scenes [Male & Female MC]. Like Eleanor there is now a chance on day 1 after sleeping that Shani's camp needs repairs. If you repair her camp and she has enough lust there is a 1 in 4 chance she will have sex with you.
* 2 More Shani NTR scenes. [both for male spouses]. Like the last update this one is the male versions. If you have your spouse working with you and have discussed netorare with Shani, there is now a chance to catch her with your husband either when you visit the camp or visiting the communal bathroom.
* Lilly Talk has been included, for those she likes especially she will happily talk to you with her bottom on display, for those she really really likes she will talk to you naked!
* Lilly Door NTR scene enabled. Like the other 2 door scenes, if you have enabled netorase by talking to Lilly about it, when you next try to visit her room you may find yourself standing outside the door, while something is happening with your spouse inside.
* 2 New Lilly Scenes [Male & Female] Like above there is on day 1 a chance Lilly's room will need repairs, and there is a 1 in 4 chance of a sex scene resulting if you a repairing stuff.
* 2 New Lilly NTR scenes [For both male and female spouses]. If your spouse works with you, and you have discussed Netorase with Lilly, when her lust gets to more than 70 and it is afternoon or night, there is a chance that You will find your spouse having sex with Lilly if you visit her room, which is rather brave considering circumstances!
* Programmed 500 Currency to be given to you each week as payment.
* Repairs now take 500 Currency to do.
* Guiliana will now offer you loans of currency should you need it. I will later program consequences to you and your spouse should you not make the minimum payment of 200 per week.
* For other methods of making money remember that Eleanor will pay you every sex encounter you have with her, more if she has...'exclusive' access... hint hint.
* Being in the dorm at late night means you will no longer be able to leave and must try to persuade one of the girls to let you into their bed, this may or may not have unintended consequences. For the moment only Svani will let you in, but I will program the others to as well.
* Girls Lust will rise by 2 each time you return to the work corridor, rather than having to wait to sleep.

As always bug reports are welcome, comments and messages as well.

WARNING!!! As promised I will be focusing on my next video Prima Noctis 2 on and after 5th January. So this might be the last update for a while. or updates may be far less frequent.


Brian Thomas

the link is to


Yeah it takes a while to overwrite/sync them, as of writing for mac and web is in there. PC is next and then Linux and Win86. I'll probably only get the PC one uploaded and then I have to sleep, it's 03:23 here...I've stayed up so that enough uploads are there.

Brian Thomas

Not sure if you are aware but if you ask Lilly about fitness the game crashes and it says an exception has occurred at least on mine it does and its the pc version


Caught that, it's an unknown character, renpy doesn't use '%' characters, so I've spelled it out for the next version. Thanks anyway. Keep me updated as to any other bugs you find. Hope you're enjoying the game too!

Brian Thomas

Its definitely mutual and they're enjoying the spouse ;-) and are there going to be more scenes with the girls who already have scenes


There will be, My priority is making sure they all have some scenes so right now I'm working on Guiliana, and then I have to give Cally, Yolanda, Svani and Nicole some scenes. After that I can add more scenes for the girls. 2 more areas that I will be adding scenes are a Communal Kitchen and a Communal Lounge. I also haven't forgotten that I will have to add male on dickgirl and female on dickgirl for more dominant players. I don't wanna fall into the trap of introducing too many new things and not fleshing out what's already there.

Brian Thomas

Your hard work is really appreciated