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So the votes are in for the video to be Released 5th FEBRUARY 2021 and we have a tie, so I'm opening this up to ALL patrons to decide the tiebreaker.

Vote for the 1 you want...

MAGA 3 - Tiffany in her role of secret service agent is dispatched to China to deal with a suspected Chinese agent that has obtained classified intel and brought it back with the intention of reporting it to his superiors. Then dispatched nearby Russia to collect some different documents she meets 2 elderly married people who finding out she is American tell her stories of their daughter Ekaterina who also emigrated to that country some time ago and ask her to carry a message to her if she could.

Prima Noctis 2 - Approached upon her throne by a peasant and his wife, she is told of 2 problems that are rumoured to be plaguing her lands that could become a problem, she announces she must consult the peasants wife, when her husband objects that she was not there and didn't see anything, she nevertheless insists, afterwards rejoining the throne room she thanks the peasant for their loyalty and that she will deal with these issues. Hearing of these 2 problems, the first being rumours of coastal pirates becoming organised and the second being sudden deaths of village males and a suspicious red eyed knight being around each time she decides to investigate...


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