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MEGA: In the extended folder.

DROPBOX: 05/12/2020 21:21 Started Syncing. 06/12/2020 01:14 it is now in the extended dropbox folder.


MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/rF5iFAia#7061hpDxLUo5bpQ2QfMgTxu1jVr0W9igWMI4mlpOUmQ

DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ahrl9tat0c92v3/happy%20honeymoon%2011%20normal%20version.mp4?dl=0

11:23 03/12/2020, that's what time it is now having finished uploading to dropbox on 1st December 2020 at 20:18! I'm trying to download a 358mb game right now and the estimate is 9 hours.

As you may or not be aware, the 1st is the official date I moved into a new place, namely the flat downstairs. My internet is still upstairs but  I only get basic to 1 bar of wi-fi down here until the internet gets switched on down here. Hence such a long upload time.

I still have the sound for the extended scene to do because it involves 3 actors rather than 2, until then I have the normal version uploaded for you all. There may be a small delay because of the uploading times but you will get it, no worries.

Dont forget that next month I am taking a break away from the videos, You've paid 1st December for this but next month there will not be a video. So nearer the time I will post another post in case you wish to drop the pledge temporarily.

Edit 06/12/2020 13:13 I’m using my mobile data to write this edit. I no longer have WiFi until they connect my new place up on the 8th. My priority was to ensure you at least had 1 place to download the versions from. MEGA upload when I get high speed internet back.

Edit 09/12/2020 01:04 still using mobile data, called sky up and damage on the line. They are sending an engineer out Friday. I suspect previous tenant as she left damaged and frayed internet cables near the socket, also unrelated but she also left a blocked sink/bathtub pipe, nails in all the walls, dust on every lampshade and eroded ceramic in both sink and toilet. Honestly I think she did no maintenance in the 4 years she lived here. Something like this is why I wanted to upload to at least Dropbox before my internet was cut off. Sorry for those that prefer Mega. IF sky actually get the internet working I can upload again.

EDIT (MEGA uploads and Internet) - So it's 11/12/2020 at 14:56 as I write this and the engineer didn't turn up, my partner whose name the internet is in phoned and there is no record of the order for work to be done even though a text message was received to confirm there was work to be done. So we now have a new appointment for Tuesday 15th.   In short: I still don't have internet... But you can find the MEGA stuff ready for you though, extended is uploaded and normal is right now. I can see you thinking "How did you upload if you have no internet"?  Well...I'm using my mobile data, i looked online using my phone data, using a VPN for more security, connected it to my computer (also with an additional VPN) via hotspot and then bought unlimited data on my phone contract. I said I would Upload the stuff you pay for and now I can.



Hi Icarus , have your plege prices changed? I have been a patron ages as you know and always had access to the extended videos but dont seem to have now? is this because your prices have increased? Thanks


I haven’t changed them. Extended patrons get access from $5+. Progress from $10+ the HH11 extended isn’t out yet though as I’m still completing it.


So out of curiosity, how long is the extended version and when will be uploaded


36:19 minutes in full. I have 33:17 minutes fully done. I'm doing it right now, completing the sounds for the last scene. But work and the house move pushed me back a little. HOPEFULLY I can get it done by the end of today ready for upload. My patrons always get it in the end, my internet is disconnected from upstairs on the 7th so I'm motivated to get it done :-)


Thanks Icarus, I hadnt realised you were still working on the ext version when i asked, Doh!! Will check it out now. Does your internet change cause future issues for you? I seem to remember you saying you were taking a well earned break from this in Janaury?


Yeah I’m taking a break now and there won’t be anything on the 5th January. I will warn patrons before they are charged. The internet company say they will active my new place on the 8th so won’t be too long using my mobile data. In the meantime however I’m occupying myself with the game, just doing the GUI at the moment.


There is one unfortunate drawback to hypnosis. It cant be active for too long before the mind starts to fight back against it. It starts with dreams, then hallucinations and paranoia, then finally breaking free of the programming. And that'll be when things get bad.

Guy Endsley

Ok what gives I still cant find HH11 in the MEGA folder yet?


I’m writing this on mobile data, I don’t have internet still so unfortunately you’ll have to use Dropbox for the time being. We phoned sky up and they tested the line and found some damage so they are sending an engineer out Friday. I suspect the previous tenant since there were some cables left by the socket.

Bobbie Blaise

It's more important that you get your home sorted than us getting a video or a game that we know we will get eventually...waiting is simple and we can all do that...get your home sorted first, we will all be fine.


Indeed, I have studied this and have a few books on it. The programming of 'alters' or 'alternate' personalities requires the hypnotist to maintain it occasionally otherwise you start to get a blending process as you have described. For the more esoteric minded there was also MKUltra and Project Monarch where the idea was put into practical effect, but as you say, permanence is as of yet unobtainable.