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And here is the 2nd poll regarding Kyra,  a bit later than I wanted it to be, got to work to find police cruisers blocking the gates, after getting in and a little bit of gossip I found out why, one of the 18 year olds decided it would be fun to break the entrance door and fire panel, punch a window through (which I had to clean up with no gloves), then trail blood onto the car park, smash one of the staff car windows, try to hotwire the car but stop when the staff tried to intervene and then ran off site. I did my job and the site is now fully locked up so he is going to have to find his way home himself (about 7-8 miles) since his taxi came and went. Gonna be awkward though since the site has his keys, mobile, wallet and other metallic items. Hey they and their parents/next of kin are informed that if they are of adult age and they leave the site we are not responsible for them (would be different for someone less than 18)

So...the Kyra Afterpoll 2:

(Please see the other poll as well if you haven't already)

1) Kyra received a blowjob from Valia in her underwear, how did she feel about this?

A) She could see it while Valia was doing it and she thinks Valia has a nice, phat ass! (Anal (Giving) +1)
B) She liked the idea of doing something naughty while someone else was around (Exhibitionist +1)
C) She wants to get to know Valia more. (Kind +1)
D) She wants to ram it back in there and fuck the tonsils off her! (Vulgar +1)

2) Kyra had a boxing ring match with Katya and lost, how did she feel about that?

A) She was just happy to be around Katya (Kind +1)
B) She is considering pulling a prank to get back at her (Cunning +1, Cruel +1)
C) She didn't mind being used (Submissive +2)
D) She wanted to bend Katya over and turn her arsehole into something resembling the front of an air horn! (Vulgar +2)
E) She wanted to be the top (Dominant +2)
F) She felt it was a fair fight and a well earned victory for Katya (Honourable +1)

3) I have received feedback on the HH10 video that some people may not like the more supernatural elements of the videos. So I want to run this by you all. Obviously you have the most realism you can, you can have futas and huntresses and hypnotism etc and then at the extreme you have Valia, Markellus, Xala, Lillian and the whole succubi, demon, devil, angels thing. So here is what I propose:

A) No supernatural elements - I will cut Valia, Markellus, Xala, Lillian and any mention of demons, devils, time-travel, Markellus cryptic spoilers, angels, powers etc out completely from ALL videos.

B) A middle ground, where futas and huntresses up to Katya's power level exist and are the main focus, rare and occasional appearances from the more supernatural characters, they will still be there, but it wont be too powers and supernatural stuff, I will try to strike a balance, this is what I have been doing now.

C) Completely go full supernatural and create a world of Mummies, Angels, Vampires and fireballs, Jutsu, anime screaming, fireballs etc.

I'll be honest the most I wanted in terms of supernatural was the succubi and the devil lord/ladies, I don't want personally to go into the whole extreme like that. For me it's enough that you KNOW what they are and they exist but that they keep themselves to themselves and minimal as possible. That's why I don't have Xala going on a rampage, or Valia sucking off 1000 men in succession, you KNOW they could but...you see what I mean here?


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