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Well I've finished the story (STILL NEED TO DO SOME SOUNDS) and the video (extended version) clocks in at 56:11 minutes. Yeah...I really got excited about this one, so here is what is in the video, I'll try not to give too much detail to avoid spoiling it too much:

* Husband goes to the massage facilities at the hotel but has locked himself out of the room, he comes back to hear a loud repeated knocking sound, when he does finally manage to get in, Isadora shows him a hammer and says she was putting pictures back up.

* (Extended Scene) - They go for a walk in the local forest and the wife gets lost, they ring police who cordon off the area and look for her. Emily finds her first ;-)

* (Extended Scene) - With a full squadron of police around Jewel and Fi decide to turn the tables round on Isadora.

* The 3 decide to go out drinking, after a few beers the husband admits he finds Isadora cute and he likes her arse, so she playfully lowers her trousers just enough for him to look and have a feel. He accuses her of being a lesbian and making eyes at his wife, then pervertedly asks if they could have a lesbian session with him watching. Isadora counters by 1) Making the recording herself and releasing it if she wished, 2) He can only be outside the door and listen in and 3) He books and pays for a by the hour love motel. Will he accept such a weighted offer? This type of scene was a first for me as I REALLY had to get the sound right in terms of volume and atmosphere.

* Afterwards Isadora suggests that as her apartment is nearer they stay at hers for the night, and mentions that there is only her double bed an a single so the girls should sleep together.

* During the early hours, during a bathroom visit, the husband encounters an intruder in the form of everyone favourite evil blonde, she decides to have some fun while she thinks of how to use this opportunity...

* Lana waits for Isadora in her kitchen and offers her a deal that could help her out with the cuckolding endeavors...but at what cost? Will she take this deal? Patrons can vote for this after release.

* Katya encounters Markellus, introduced for the first time. A lot of truths hidden in cryptic statements are revealed about Katya, her inner thoughts and potentially where the story is going.

Progress patrons can choose to see ALL of this now if they so wish. Otherwise it will be released around 5th October. Next up is Kyra 2 which I'm excited about as well.



when do we vote??


After it's been released to ALL patrons, they have to know what the deal is before they can vote on it. All of you will be able to vote on whether she takes the deal or not AND what form that deal takes if she does.


for the 10 patreons can they see the video now?


Yes the $10 patrons have access to the progress videos, they can see the videos as I make and upload them. Be aware that they are still progress videos so some sounds may not be added yet.


yea i notice the video is great but for now ima just wait for the complete video even though the video seems complete too me but ill take the master words for it lol.


when will it be released i forgot to ask that :)


Yeah it's mainly the skin slapping sounds during the sex scenes that are missing, I leave them till last as I have to manually go second by second to time it right. If you imagine there are 2 thrusts per second and a sex scene is about 3 minutes, well that would be 360 skin slapping sounds to put in. You can see why I do that last. ;-)


ill be here thats for sure.