SRG Emily LAST UPDATE Post. (Patreon)
31:12. that is how much I currently have in terms of animation, scenes, ambient sound AND dialogue. Currently uploading that to the progress folder. I only have:
* The Extended Patrons scene - The current progress video for $10+ patrons ends just before this scene.
* The end scene - Where Valia was voted to infiltrate and gather Intel in the Darkdaughter Corporation, i.e....the corporation Xala is head of....'nuff said.
And then the skin to skin sounds and that's it.
* Was my birthday on the 31st May. I am now 31. Which is ironic...31 on the 31st.
* I have something, currently secret that may make a LOT of fans and followers happy. No Spoilers yet.
Comments are of course welcome, but ON MY PREVIOUS ONLY $10+ POST! Don't want to give spoilers do we? I know I know I keep asking for comments, but you guys like futa's and stuff, I like reading (earliest books I got was 7 years old and it was 2 books given me by my mother The Prince by Niccolo Machievelli and The Art Of War by Sun Tsu, mother said if I read nothing else, those two will protect me in life). Scratch my back and isadora or one of the others will scratch yours, or something else ;-)